Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1111    consolidated (adjective)
    1. made compact
سخت ۔ منجمد
    2. united
جڑا یا ملا ہوا ۔ مجموعہ
    3. (Bot.)
موٹا ۔ بھرا ۔ دل دار
    consolidated salary or allowance
مشاہرہ بالمقطع
1112    antimonial (adjective)
سرمہ جیسا ۔ سرمہ آگیں
1113    centigrade (adjective)
سو حصوں میں تقسیم کیا گیا ۔ سو درجے کا
    A centigrade thermometer
سو درجے کا گرمی ناپ
1114    tide (Noun)
جوار بھاٹا۔ اتار چڑھاؤ۔ جزر و مد۔ مد و جزر
دریا۔ ندی۔ دھارا۔ بہاؤ
    3. (Min.)
بارہ گھنٹے کا عرصہ۔ وقت۔ موسم
    aerial tides
ہوائی چڑھاؤ اتار
1115    wing-footed (adjective)
پون بیگی۔ تیز رو۔ تیز رفتار۔ بادپا۔ باد رفتار
1116    accoutrements (Noun)
ساج ۔ ساز و سامان ۔ سامان ۔ ہتھیار ۔ اسباب ۔ لوازمہ
1117    salable, saleable (adjective)
بکاؤ۔ بکنے کے لائق۔ قابل فروخت
1118    glue-pot (Noun)
سریش دان
1119    feed (Noun)
نیار۔ دانہ۔ گھاس۔ چارا۔ راتب۔ خوراک
1120    batter (Noun)
انڈے، دودھ اور آٹے کی لپسی



Hello, Khurram, Assalam -o-Alekum
For Ghalib, I would suggest that you put Ghalib as Keword in your Browser, it would show numerious entries on Ghalib, and one of them contains his Ghazals with translation and the meaning of main words given.
For Iqbal, I think you will have to look for the meanings of difficult words through some good Farsi to English Dictionary. Some of Allama Iqbal's work have been translated into English, you may refer to these.
Alternatively, you could perhaps give the words of which you like to have meaning or English translation on this website, and I am sure some of the fellow-readers would be glade to provide the answers.
Best Wishes


please tell me what's the meaning of 'Akhund'

Hello, Waseem, Assakam-o-Alekum
Forbe's Dictionary (1891, page 21) gives the meaning of Akhund as Tutor,Preceptor ( Farsi).
Best Wishes

I want to know the english of a fruit named * safarjal*. Its basically Arabic fruit but also found in South Asia. Some body knows???

The English for Safarjal is Quince; and it is called بہی in Urdu.

hi sir let me know the websites from where i can download the dictionaries english to urdu and urdu to urdu free of cost .

let me know the websites from where i can download the dictionaries english to urdu and urdu to urdu free of cost .

hi sir,
i wana to know that what is the english meaning of zofran.

it is saffron

Are you referring to the aromatic flavoring used in rice, etc? If so, then I believe you mean زعفران which is Saffron in English. These are the dried stigmas of the Crocus (کرکم) flower.
