Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1141    honey-comb (verb active)
گڑھے ڈالنا۔ بیخکنی کرنا۔ اندر ہی اندر جڑ کھودنا
1142    indelibility (Noun)
پکا پن۔ پختگی۔ پائیداری
1143    thriftly (adverb)
بہ کفایت۔ جز رسی سے۔ اقبال مندی سے۔ کفایت شعاری سے
1144    assess (verb active)
    1. to tax
ٹیکس یا محصول لگانا ۔ کر لگانا
    2. value
مول یا نرخ ٹھیرانا
    3. estimate
آنکنا ۔ کوتنا ۔ جانچنا ۔ اندازہ کرنا ۔ اٹکلنا ۔ تخمینہ کرنا
    assess damages
زر ہرجہ یا ٹوٹا ٹھیرانا
    assess revenue
جمع باندھنا یا مقرر کرنا ۔ مال گزاری ٹھیرانا ۔ جمع بندی کرنا ۔ جمع تشخیص کرنا
1145    septuagint (Noun)
توریت کا یونانی ترجمہ۔ (ہفتادی ترجمہ)
1146    repleviable, replevisable (adjective)
ضامنی پر رہا ہونے کے قابل۔
1147    indubious (adjective)
بے شک۔ بےشبہ
1148    privilege (verb active)
    1. invest with a peculiar right
استحقاق بخشنا۔ مستحق کرنا۔ حقدار کرنا۔
    2. exempt
رہا کرنا۔ معاف کرنا۔
    privileged class
مراعات یافتہ طبقہ۔
    privileged communication
مؤکل کا وکیل سے راز کہنا۔
    privileged debts
دین مقدم۔
1149    stringy (adjective)
نسیلا۔ ریشہ دار۔ سوت دار۔ لمبے ریشے کا۔
1150    pail (verb neutor)
بدمزہ یا بے لطف ہونا۔ بے کیف ہو جانا



Khush-Fehmi is a compound word: Khush- pleasant, happy,bright; and Fehmi- understanding, comrehension. Hence Khush-Fehmi can be translated in English as pleasant understanding or optimism. Regards


it is wishful thinking, vainglory

Assalamo Aliekum
what is meaning of naheed in urdu ?

It is a Farsi name meaning without any defect of without any imperfection. One can use the word immaculate but in English it normally reflects the exterior of something and immaculate can not be used for people.

Assalamo Aliekum
Anyone can send me the meaning of "Nevis Wadia"(Urdu)in English? May be this was the name of the daughter of "Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah ")please help regarding this
thank u all.

Navees literally means writing, hence Khush Navees is someone who writes beautifully- good calligraphy-. I wonder if the name is Naveed, which seems suitable for a name, as it means Good tidings, Khush Khabar.
Kind Regards

can any one tell me about free web hosting web site
i know lots but dno't know how to use that
pls ppls help me
its very important for me
and one more thing
agere kisi ko kisi word ke meaning nahi aate to aap main se kisi ko yeh haq nahi puhanchta ke apne friends ko wrong guide kia jaye samjhe

Hi All,

Could any one of you plese tell me that how I can practice to translate from urdu to english.Is there any web-site available which can help people like me.

Please inform me.Suggestion from all of you will be welcome..

Kind regards.


Assalamo Aliekum

Anyone can send me the meaning of Khushfehmi(Urdu) in English?
Have a nice time

Khusgfehmi is a compound word Khush- pleasant/positive/happy and Fehmi - understanding. I would hence suggest that Khushfehmi can be translated in English as optimism. Salaam wo Doya. KRK
