Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1071    observable (adjective)
قابل لحاظ۔ غور طلب۔ خیال کرنے کے لائق۔ دھیان دینے کے قابل۔ قابل مشاہدہ
1072    back (Noun)
    1. of the body, upper side
پیٹھ ۔ پشت
    The back and the belly had everyone busy. (Prov.)
مجبوری میں آدمی ہر کام کرلیتا ہے۔ یا پیٹ پیٹھ کے کارنے سب جگ کار کرے
    2. of the head
    3. rear
پیچھا ۔پچھواڑا ۔ پچھاڑی ۔ عقب
    4. of a book
    behind one's back
پیٹھ پیچھے ۔ پیچھے ۔آنکھ اوجھل ۔ پس پردہ
    give back
پھیر دینا ۔ اُلٹا دینا ۔ واپس دینا یا کرنا
    keep back
روک یا داب رکھنا ۔ پیچھے رہنا یا رہ جانا ۔ باز رکھنا
    one's back being up
غصے میں بھرا ہوا
    on one's back
چت ۔ چاروں شانے چت
    turn one's back
1. پیٹھ دینا یادکھانا 2. منہ پھیر لینا
1073    cooly, coolie (Noun)
    1. porter
    2. labourer
1074    quotation (Noun)
    the act
نقل کرنا۔
    2. that which is quoted
مقولہ۔ دوسرے کا قول۔ سند کلام۔ حوالہٴ مثال۔ اقتباس۔ حوالہ۔
    3. (Com.)
نرخ بھاؤ۔ مول۔ کوٹیشن۔ شرح نرخ۔
1075    wine (Noun)
انگوری یا انگور کی شراب۔ بنت العنب۔ دختر زر
شراب۔ مل۔ مے۔ بادہ۔ مد۔ مدرا۔ دارو
    When wine is in, wit is out. (Prov.)
مد آئی، مت بھاگی
1076    extinction (Noun)
بجھ جانا۔ انطفا۔ فنا۔ عدم۔ ناس۔ نیستی
1077    devil's darning-needle (Noun)
سوئی کی شکل کی لمبی کانٹے دار مکھی
1078    murder (verb active)
دشمنی یا عداوت سے مار ڈالنا۔ قتل کرنا۔ مار ڈالنا۔ خون کرنا۔ ہلاک کرنا
    2. destroy
ناس کرنا۔ برباد کرنا۔ خاک میں ملانا۔ ستیاناس کرنا۔ کاٹنا۔ کام تمام کرنا۔
1079    fun (Noun)
تماشا۔ کھیل۔ بازی۔ سوانگ۔ سیر۔ تفرج۔ شوخی۔ مذاق۔ دل لگی
    to make fun of
لولو بنانا۔ الو بنانا
1080    deliver (verb active)
    1. free
چھٹکارا دینا۔ چھوڑنا۔ بری کرنا۔ رہا کرنا۔ رہائی دینا۔ آزاد کرنا۔ خلاص کرنا۔ نجات دینا
    2. save
بچانا۔ رہا کرنا۔ محفوظ رکھنا
    3. give or transfer
سونپنا۔ حوالے کرنا۔ سپرد کرنا۔ تفویض کرنا۔ دھرنا۔ دے دینا۔ بانٹنا۔ چھوڑنا
    Deliver your words not by numbers but by weight. (Prov.)
کلام میں وزن چاہئے، نہ طول
    to deliver letters
چٹھیاں بانٹنا
    to deliver goods
مال چھوڑنا
    4. communicate
بولنا۔ تقریر کرنا۔ کہنا۔ بیان کرنا۔ پڑھنا۔ بتلانا
    to deliver a speech
مضمون پڑھنا۔ اسپیچ دینا۔ تقریر کرنا
    5. discharge
پھینکنا۔ دینا۔ نکالنا۔ لگانا۔ مارنا
    to deliver a blow
گھونسا دینا یا مارنا
    6. a child
جننا۔ بچہ جننا
بیانا۔ بچہ ڈالنا۔ دینا۔ ڈالنا
    deliver up (the person)
حاضر کرنا۔ سامنے کرنا۔ رو برو کرنا۔ موجود کرنا



Asalaamu alaikum
would someone be so kind as to confirm the meaning of my name "Muqsooda" as far as i know it means something like 'aim' 'objective' 'mission'
would someone please give me the meaning in context
behot meherbhani

Aziza Maqsooda, Assalam o Alekum
I have looked at a Farsi Dictionary for the meaning of your name. You already have the meaning. The root of Maqsood is Qasad ( Qaaf, Swaad, Daal), meaning Intention Determination. And Maqsood is someone who has determination. The letter Meem before a Farsi or Arabic word means that a person or act which has the attribute of the word following the letter Meem. For example, Maqbool, is someone or some act which is accepted/acceptable.
Khuda Hafiz or Fi Amaaan-i-llah.

Asalaamu Alaikum
once again Behot meherbani
i'm a bit curious. what is the difference between farsi and arabic? please explain

Hello, Maqsooda, Assalam-o-Alekum
Farsi is the langauge of Iran or that of Faris, ancient name for Iran. From this we have great poets like Hafiz, Sa'di, and Firdusi; Arabic is the language of the Arabs, and from this we have the Holy Quran. While the two languages share a large number of words, the grammar and syntax of the two languages are different. In Urdu we have a large number of words from these both languages, but I think a greater number of words are from Farsi. Our poets, for exampe, Allama Iqbal and Ghalib have written some of their poetry in Farsi; and the High Urdu is generally Farsi-based. Khuda Hafiz or Suprud ba Khuda is Farsi, Fi Amaan -illah Arabic.
Khuda Hafiz

Aziza Maqsooda, Assalam o Alekum
I have looked at a Farsi Dictionary for the meaning of your name. You already have the meaning. The root of Maqsood is Qasad ( Qaaf, Swaad, Daal), meaning Intention Determination. And Maqsood is someone who has determination. The letter Meem before a Farsi or Arabic word means that a person or act which has the attribute of the word following the letter Meem. For example, Maqbool, is someone or some act which is accepted/acceptable.
Khuda Hafiz or Fi Amaaan-i-llah.

dear Maqsooda,
as well as i know maqsooda Mean is happy,very well,pretty,those all thing which a person like very much.


Hello, Musannum, Assalam-o-Alekum
I have looked at two dictionaries for this word- Musannam but neither contains this word. Of course there is Sunnum- Swad, Noon, Meem] Friend Beloved. It may be that the word Musunnam is a poetic creation - Ikhtara- meaning My Friend or My Mahboob. An Alternative explanation may be that it is a typgraphical error, and the word is MUSUMMUM [ Meem, Swad, Meem ( Tashdid) meaning Determination Firm Resolute.
Khuda Hafiz


What is the meaning of the name "Amber"?

This is a girl name from Pakistan. She live in Lahore but her past family is Rajput from India. I know there is Amber Fort in North of India. Is it named from this? Someone told me that "Amber" in English means "sky". Is this true?

I found this when looking
on a web site for baby names.
Although Im not really sure why you are all asking for name meanings when they have on this web site a names page,
Anyway hope this helps,

Jewel, the yellow one : Arabic
You are charming, talented and have a very positive attitude to life so it is hardly surprising that you attract success and recognition. Focussed and patient you understand that material rewards are a result of discipline. Being so creative and with a need for self-expression you may be drawn towards the arts, travel is also likely to be important. A loyal friend, you are a person who must be allowed freedom and independence.
Khuda Hafiz
