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561    lexigraphy (Noun)
الفاظ کے معنی بیان کرنا۔ (ملفوظی رسم خط جس میں ہر حرف ایک لفظ کا قائم مقام ہو)
562    lapful (adjective)
گودی بھر۔ پلا بھر۔ جھولی بھر۔ دامن بھر۔ گود بھر
563    seesaw (Noun)
لڑکوں کا ایک کھیل۔ جھولا جھولی۔ جھوما جھومی۔ اتار چڑھاؤ۔ (سی سا)
564    confirmation (Noun)
    1. establishment
اثبات ۔ استقلال ۔ تائيد ۔ استحکام
    Trifles light as air
Are to the jalous confirmations strong, As proofs of holy write. (Shakespeare, 'Othello', iii. 3) شکی مزاج شخصوں کو ادنیٰ امور ہلکے ہینگے ثبوت پکے، قرآن کے نوشتے F.C.
    2. ratification
برقراری ۔ بحالی ۔ تصدیق
    3. the rits
کرشٹان بنانے کی رسم یا ریت
565    dub (verb active)
    1. strike with a sword
مارنا۔ ضرب دینا۔ تلوار سے مارنا
    2. entitle
امتیاز یا خطاب دینا
    3. cut down
کاٹ ڈالنا
566    texture (Noun)
بناوٹ۔ بافت
جالا۔ جو چیز بنی جائے۔ پارچہ
ساخت۔ بناوٹ۔ قماش۔ ترکیب
    4. (Anat.)
پٹھوں کی ترکیب۔ نسیج
567    disconsolate (adjective)
    1. melancholy
اداس۔ افسردہ۔ ملول۔ دل گیر۔ رنجیدہ۔ متفکر۔ فکر مند۔ بے قرار۔ بے چین
    a disconsolate heart
دل بے قرار
    2. saddening
ملال افزا۔ رنجیدہ کرنے والا۔ پریشان۔ مضطر
568    pragmatize (verb)
اصلی کے طور پر پیش کرنا۔ بالکل سچ اور حقیقی سمجھ لینا یا قرار کرنا
569    irremissible (adjective)
غیر قابل عفو۔ جو معاف کرنے کے لائق نہ ہو۔ ناقابل معافی
570    juiceless (adjective)
بےرس۔ بےعرق۔ خشک



Greetings to you all!
I am struggling with a couple of words that may or may not be urdu or of urdu origin, and was hoping for some help. The context is traditional building, and the words are 'banan' (not in the meaning 'sweater') and 'makeaq', 'makiq' or something like that.
Grateful for all assistance.

Banan seems to be on the arabic weight 'fulan' (like Rizwan, Ramzan, Quran, Furqan etc) -- if that is the case, then the root "b-n-a" which it would fall under, means construction. Bana'a/Yebni "To Construct or Build". Urdu words such as "mabni" (base) and baani (originator) come from this word. Not sure what Makiq means, I've never seen either word in urdu literature before however, and they don't look like Hindi words either.

the nearest word i can think of affiliated with 'building' to BANAN is BANERA. i can safely say that i have never heard of 'banan' or 'makiq' as far as the Urdu language is concerned & niether have i heard a Hindi speaker use these rather bizarre sounding words in all my 27 years and i do know a few Hindi speakers.
Best of luck though!!!
Sorry for not being able to be much of a help!


No, I am certain I am not being fooled. The words in question are not in Urdu/Hindu, but in another language, which borrows extensively from Urdu. There are several other possible source languages, though, and the words could also be indigenous to the language, though there are reasons to suspect otherwise.
Thanks for trying, though, it helps me narrow down the possibilities.

P.S. With your help, I've been able to look elsewhere. It seems 'banan' is derived from a persian word for building or mason,بنا, and makiq has cognates in the neighbouring languages, meaning 'wooden post'. Again, much obliged.

While browsing through archived comments on this website i came across the name "IRZAN". I like this name. Can anyone giude me what is the meaning of this name and whether it is an Islamic name or not?
I shall be obliged.

Assalamo Alaikum.
Sb told me that there was no such female of "khaaksar" as "khaaksara". Is that correct? So far, I always used to say "khaaksara" with regard to myself.

salam dear, mere nazar se bhi ajtak khaksar ka muannas nahi guzra
hud khush rahen takay dosre ham se mailkar khushi ka ahsas karsaken

This site is the best mean to promote urdu language .I am happy to be the member of this site

Any body will tell me feminine of word شابالا

چند ماہ قبل میں نے یک خوب وبسیت دریافت کی تهی در موضوعِ تاریخِ لسانِ اردو. میں نے فکر کیا کے شاید میرے مسلمان و پاکستانی برادران اسے قدردانی کرتے:

Wonderful website on Urdu history, present, and future that I thought viewers may find useful.
