Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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531    critique (Noun)
تفریظ۔ کسی تصنیف کے حسن و قبح کے باب میں مضمون
532    pish (Noun)
دھتکارنا۔ پھٹکارنا۔ چھی کرنا
533    chain-stitch (Noun)
رنجیری دار سلائی یا ٹانکا
534    may-pole (Noun)
مئی مہینے کے ناچ کا بانس
535    heresearch (Noun)
کافروں کا سردار۔ بانیٴ بدعت
536    coach-box
کوچوان کے بیٹھنے کی جگہ ۔ کوچ بکس
537    messenger (Noun)
    1. one who bears a messge
پیغام بر۔ نامہ بر۔ قاصد۔ ہرکارہ
    2. a harbinger
پیشوا۔ اگوانی۔ مخبر۔ پیام رساں
    3. (Law)
دُوت۔ مُخبر۔ ایلچی
    messenger of a bank
محاسب بنک
538    fussy (adjective)
چبلا۔ غل غپاڑا مچانے والا۔ اودھمی
539    scrupulous (adjective)
شکی۔ وہمی۔ محتاط۔ (متامل)
باریک بین۔ نقطہ چین
540    witness (verb active)
    1. observe
دیکھنا۔ معائنہ کرنا۔ ملاحظہ کرنا
    2. attest
گواہی دینا۔ شہادت دینا
گواہی کرنا یا لکھنا۔ تصدیق کرنا
social studies
would you please tell me in urdu 'sero seaahut kisi mulk ki taruqi ke liye kiun zaroori hai?
Ser o seyahat (Tourism)
kiyonke dossray mumalik ke log aatay hain to app ke mulk ko un se zar e mubadla (Foriegn Exchange) hasil hota hai. aap ki airlin, accomodation provider or shopping wagera se economy ko faida hota hai. jese Sri Lank, West Indies or Maldieves
to adeela
apna sari bat tu urdu main likh de hai..what more u want to know abot sero seaahat ek mulk ki tarakki k liaa kion zarori hia?
clear kar k bata do plzz..
He has given the subject and
He has given the subject and wants essay on the subject. He has not asked for translation in Urdu.
Could someone please tell me
Could someone please tell me what "taahat-e-nazar" means?
Hilal , Haraam
Plz tell me the english of Hilal and Haraam. Also tell me the specific name of the Flag (Green Jhandhi)that a Station Master waved to signal tht Train is ready to move.
If halal means halal for
If halal means halal for meat then the english of Halal is KOSHER otherwise in general word Halal can be translated as PERMISSIBLE.
And the english of Haram is TABOO
The english of Halal is
The english of Halal is KOSHAR and the english of Haram is FORBIDDEN BY RELEGIOUS
Halal And Haraam
Kosher IS NOT the English translation of Halal. Kosher is the name given to foods permissable under Jewish dietary law. Permissanle is the English translation of Halal.
Hilal and Haram
Do you mean Halal and Haraam? These just mean "Permitted" and "Forbidden" in arabic. However in English they're usually left untranslated.