Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1251    sloven (Noun)
پھؤڑ۔ بے سلیقہ آدمی۔ سڑیلا۔ میلا۔ کندہ۔ بھشٹل۔ (بے تمیز)
1252    irrationally (adverb)
بے عقلی سے۔ حیوانیت سے۔ بیہودہ
1253    down (Noun)
    1. a bank of sand
کراڑا۔ ریتیلا کنارہ
    2. barren land
پہاڑ کے اوپر میدان۔ ٹانڈ
1254    decapitation (Noun)
سیس کاٹن۔ سر کاٹنا۔ گردن مارنا۔ قتل
1255    unfeelingness (Noun)
بے دردی۔ سنگ دلی
1256    suppression (Noun)
اخفا۔ دباؤ۔ چھپاؤ۔ روک۔ انسداد۔ دفعیہ۔ امتناع۔ ضبطی۔
    2. (Gram.)
1257    unreformed (adjective)
غیر اصلاح شدہ۔ بے اصلاح
1258    vaudeville (Noun)
غنائی ناٹک۔ پچ میل تماشا۔ سنگت کا گیت
1259    flutist (Noun)
مرلی والا۔ بانسری والا۔ نے نواز
1260    acclimation, acclimatation
موافقت آب و ہوا ۔ پون پانی کا راس آنا



hello muje ye 3 tarah ki dictionaries darkar hein
urdu to urdu, and english to urdu, and urdu to english dictionary
plz inform me how can i get these sictionaries on internet

can some one advise me what is the meaning of Alphalfa or Alfalfa. this is a plant for sure but which one?
if some one also tell how to seed it in my bird avairy, it will be great help

Alfalfa is a crop used as hay for animals. In other words it is a fodder crop.

this is a good site i'm getting a lot of help by it. But i have some problems in understanding french so can anybody tell me about any site from french to urdu or urdu to french. i really need it. i'll be very thankful.
Allah hafiz

Translate first from urdu to english then go to
and translate the english to french

Waalaykum Assalam,
i think it will be difficult, that there is any web site from french to urdu or urdu to french but i have some web sites where you can translate from english to french and from french to english .
may be these sites can do help u ! ALLAH Hafiz.

can anybody tell me the meaning of "breathalyser" plz
Allah hafiz

A device that measures chemicals (especially the alcohol content) in a person's expired breath

in street ternsm its an instrument that tests your blood alcohol level through your breath.

Its is a trademark of manufacture for a device that tests exhaled breath to indicate the amount of alcohol in the body or blood
