Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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821    value (verb active)
    1. estimate the worth of
قیمت لگانا۔ مول ٹھہرانا۔ دام لگانا۔ کوتنا۔ آنکنا۔ جانچنا
    2. hold in respect
عزیز رکھنا۔ قدر کرنا
    Authors like coins, grow dear as they grow old;
    It is the rust we value, not the gold. (Pope.)
ہوتا ہے وصف شاعر و سکے کا کہنگی گویا کہ قدر زیادہ ہے زر سے بھی زنگ کی F.C.
تعدادی۔ بقدر
822    epitome,/see abridgement (Noun)
823    supercargo (Noun)
مال محمولہٴ جہاز کی فروخت کا مہتمم۔ چڑھن دار۔ بحردار۔ مال کپتان۔
824    accurately (adverb)
ٹھیک یا درستی سے
825    full (adverb)
پورا۔ سر بسر۔ بالکل
826    skew (verb active)
ترچھا یا ٹیڑھا چلنا۔
827    sun (Noun)
سورج۔ خورشید۔ آفتاب۔ شمس۔ مہر۔ آدت۔ دنکر۔ مارتند۔ مرغ زریں۔
    The unwearied sun from day-to-day, Dot his Creator's power display. (Addison)
ہر روز جو چمکتا ہے جو خورشید کا نور خالق کی وہ قدرت کا دکھاتا ہے ظہور۔ (.F.C)
دھوپ۔ سورج کی روشنی۔
    under the sun
آسمان کے نیچے۔ دنیا کے پردے پر۔
    There is no new thing under the sun. (Prov.)
دھرت پہ کوئی انوکھی چیز‌نہیں ہے۔
828    race (verb neutor)
شرط بد کر دوڑنا۔ جلد دوڑنا۔ (دوڑنا۔ بھاگنا)
829    windowed (adjective)
کھڑکی والا
830    money-making (adjective)
فائدے کا۔ روپیہ کمانے کا



Dear Saeed bhai, AA,

Regarding your question would like to tell you that according to my knowledge i think Rashid or Rasheed have same meaning which is : -

Rashid & Rasheed = Pious (Follower of the right path)
Matlab sahee raastay per chalnay waala

Hope it is clear for you,


Chaata guloona shi ghutay chaa ta ghutay guloona
Khpal khpal naseeb day gani mong da cha na kam kho na u

Please can you tell me the meanings of Rasheed & Rashid, If there is any diference in meanings please explain.

Assalam alaikum to all,
whts the exact word to be used in english for IJTEMA OR JALSA???

Dear RSR, Assalam o Alekum Ijtama and Jalsa both have a common meaning : Gathering, Assembly. Jalsa- Ijlaas- Majlis however have a formal connotation. Ijlas, for example, can be used for the meeting of a Parliament or a Cour in session. Jalus has a celebratory connotation. Jalsa a formal meeting. These different words can be used to convey varied puporse of the gatherings- simply a gathering; formal session of a Parliment or Court; Celebratory Congregation.
Khuda Hafiz

can anyone tell me the meaning of Maria


Syed Afsar Hussain
Cell: 0300-2117302

Maariya ماریه
A lady with fair complexion, The bondmaid of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

thanx atta n safdar hamadani :)

Dear Pari,

I heard that name Maria doesnt have meaning but then i read in another book that mentioned The maria has one meaning:
A dark region of considerable extent on the surface of the moon.

Hope its clear for you nonw,


Chaata guloona shi ghutay chaa ta ghutay guloona
Khpal khpal naseeb day gani mong da cha na kam kho na u

can anyone tell me the meaning of Maria
