Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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971    refit (verb active)
    1. repair
درست کرنا۔ مرمت کرنا۔ ٹھیک کرنا۔ بٹھانا
    2. provide a second time
پھر مہیا کرنا
972    glass-cutter (Noun)
شیشہ تراش
973    furnace (Noun)
بھٹی۔ بھاڑ۔ آتش دان
974    loyalty (Noun)
نمک حلالی۔ وفاداری۔ خیرخواہی۔ اطاعت۔ فرمانبرداری
975    spruce (verb active)
سجانا۔ سوارنا۔ بناؤکرنا۔ آراستہ کرنا۔
976    sural (adjective)
گھنٹے کا۔ پنڈلی کا۔ ساق کا۔
977    strangeness (Noun)
اجنبیت۔ بیگانگی۔ ناواقفت۔
    2. reserve
کشیدگی۔ رکاوٹ۔ ناآشنا مزاجی۔
ان بن۔ جدائی۔
تعجب۔ حیرت۔ نرالا پن۔ انوکھا پن۔
978    chess-player (Noun)
شطرنج باز ۔ شاطر
979    banana (Noun)
کیلا ۔ چمپا ۔ مرتبانی یا چینی کیلا
980    receptibility (Noun)
امکان وصول



All three CD disc types (CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW) store information in grooves that are 1.6 microns wide (a micron is one one-thousandth of a millimetre; the average human hair is about 50 microns wide). Unlike magnetic storage media, such

There is a word using in (Hyderabad India) Saying “Nakoo” Can any body explain me the meaning of the "Nakoo"

In my view meaning of Nakoo in Pakistan thos man or thing
who to be samllest called Nakoo
Miss or Mr Ansari i wants content u because u r live in India
plz content me that e.mail adderss sam_uaf@hotmail

wait your e.mail

In my view meaning of Nakoo in Pakistan thos man or thing
who to be samllest called Nakoo
Miss or Mr Ansari i wants content u because u r live in India
plz content me that e.mail adderss sam_uaf@hotmail

wait your e.mail


Nakoo Means "No" And Nakoo They Also use Word "Ji" Normaly They Say "Nakoo Ji" Very Comman Word Used by The People Of Hydrabad.

I think Nakoo means "DO NOT" or "NOT". it is used for negation. any body correct me if I M wrong. Bye

There is a word using in (Hyderabad India) Saying “Nakoo” Can any body explain me the meaning of the "Nakoo"

in balochistan.( province of pakistan). there's nakoo mean balochi .And in Hyderabad india there's nakoo mean NO .

can any body tell me the meaning of Abtal?
kind regards,

ابطال= making void. It's an action, if that's how you spell it.
