Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1051    unfairness (Noun)
ناراستی۔ بد معاملگی۔ بے ایمانی۔ بے انصافی
1052    thrill (Noun)
    1. a drill
    2. a trill
چہچہا۔ ریز
    3. a breathing place
سانس لینے کا سوراخ
    4. thrilling sensation
سنسناہٹ۔ تھرتھری۔ پھریری۔ جھرجھری۔ تڑپ۔ دھڑکن۔ جذبات کی لہر
1053    trumpeter (Noun)
نفیری والا۔ ترئی بجانے والا
ایک قسم کا کبوتر
1054    amethyst (Noun)
1055    irrpressible (adjective)
جو دب نہ سکے
1056    fresh (Noun)
چڑھاؤ۔ جوار۔ طغیانی۔ باڑھ
1057    pulmonitis (Noun)
ذات الریہ۔ نمونیا۔
1058    stalky (adjective)
ڈنڈی کی مثال۔ ڈنٹھل سا۔
1059    belt (Noun)
گھیرنا ۔ احاطہ کرنا ۔ حلقہ باندھنا
1060    goal (Noun)
    1. the mark
گھڑ دوڑ کی حد کا نشان۔ گھڑ دوڑ کا پالا۔ گول
    2. the end or final purpose
منزل مقصود۔ غایت مطلب۔ علت غائی۔ مطمح نظر



it man "whatever you said take it back" for example you swear at some one and he dose it 2
it mean's that he gave u ans as you spoke.

Hi, i want a document translated from english to good proper urdu, can you do this??


Aslaam Alaykum, I have a baby some. I was thiking to name him
"Ayaan Azam" But I am not sure what is the meaning of Ayaan. Can you please help me with this.

See Here:

Ayaan means lit up..illumined, he who shines amongst all. Clarity Like Nur except not relegious in its root.

can u ppl tell me the meaning of my name, nimrah.

the meaning i know is the female tiger, and also it is one of the holly places in saudia arabia

this is noorbahadarkhan from canada. how're today i'm fine. could you translate some vacablary to me please like rutconvincing thank you have agood day bye

Aslamu Alikum... every body ...
Im an Arabic girl i've seen this question......
& I know that there's many names in Urdu have an Arabic meaning
so I think it's an Arabic the name (Nimrah) ...
it means: the tiger female..
for us this name has a strong meaning....
i hope i helped u ...

Nimarh in Arabic is tigress. Namir is Tiger.
Actullay it should be written and pronounced as Namirah.
