Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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1081    harry (verb active)
اجاڑنا۔ لوٹنا۔ پامال کرنا۔ تباہ کرنا۔ برباد کرنا۔ تاراج کرنا۔ ویران کرنا۔ لوٹ لینا۔ کسی شخص کو۔ تنگ کرنا۔ دق کرنا۔ ستانا۔ تکلیف دینا۔ رنج پہنچانا۔ دکھ دینا۔ اذیت پہنچانا۔ حیران کرنا۔ پریشان کرنا۔ ناک میں دم کر دینا
1082    courtesan (Noun)
کسبی۔ نخاّس والی۔ کنچنی۔ بیسوا۔ پاتر۔ پتریا۔ گنیکا۔ رنڈی۔ کوٹھے والی۔ طوائف۔ خانگی
1083    muster (Noun)
جائزہ۔ حاضری۔ موجودات۔ گنتی۔ شمار۔ اجتماع۔ فراہمی
    to pass muster
پسند ہونا
1084    fixedly (adverb)
کڑے پن سے۔ مضبوطی سے۔ بہ استحکام
1085    villiform (adjective)
پشم نما
1086    reimburse (verb active)
    1. refund
پھیر دینا۔ واپس کرنا۔ ادا کرنا۔ (بیباق کرنا)
    2. indemnify
پورا کرنا۔ نقصان بھرنا۔ عوض دینا۔ تاوان دینا۔ ڈنڈ بھرنا۔
1087    putrid (adjective)
مہلک۔ فاسد ناپاک۔
1088    manageable (adjective)
مطیع۔ حکمی۔ خوش لگام۔ قابو کا۔ سدھ جانے کے لائق۔ غریب۔ آدھین۔ (قابل انتظام۔ لائق انصرام۔ فرمان پذیر)
1089    nun (Noun)
بیراگن۔ زن گوشہ نشین۔ زن تارک الدنیا۔ بائی۔ آرجاں۔ نن۔ راہبہ
1090    bull (Noun)
    1. blunder
غلطی ۔ چُوک ۔ خطا ۔ دھوکا
    2. (the Pope's)
پوپ کا فرمان یا فتویٰ
    an Irish bull
مذاقیہ غلطی
The meaning of the name Amber
I found this when looking
on a web site for baby names.
Although Im not really sure why you are all asking for name meanings when they have on this web site a names page,
Anyway hope this helps,
Jewel, the yellow one : Arabic
You are charming, talented and have a very positive attitude to life so it is hardly surprising that you attract success and recognition. Focussed and patient you understand that material rewards are a result of discipline. Being so creative and with a need for self-expression you may be drawn towards the arts, travel is also likely to be important. A loyal friend, you are a person who must be allowed freedom and independence.
Khuda Hafiz
The meaning of the name Amber
I found this when looking
on a web site for baby names.
Although Im not really sure why you are all asking for name meanings when they have on this web site a names page,
Anyway hope this helps,
Jewel, the yellow one : Arabic
You are charming, talented and have a very positive attitude to life so it is hardly surprising that you attract success and recognition. Focussed and patient you understand that material rewards are a result of discipline. Being so creative and with a need for self-expression you may be drawn towards the arts, travel is also likely to be important. A loyal friend, you are a person who must be allowed freedom and independence.
Khuda Hafiz
Amber meand Sky and Cloud in Hindi, Amber in Urdu (with ain) is fragrant.
yes! 'Amber' means 'sky'
yes! 'Amber' means 'sky' when translated from Hindi.
meaning of Amber in English
asalaamu alaikum
Amber- is a yellowish/brown orange colour
- tawny
hope that helps
english to urdu text translation
I want to know is there any web site which can directly translate urdu text into english with grammer
what is the meaning of Wheatgerm
what is the meaning of Wheatgerm
Asalam O Alaikum,
Wheatgerm is 'Chaan' or brown part of the ata
Could someone please confirm
Could someone please confirm for me that this is a proper greeting. I am only concerned that it is phonetically correct.
...and the English translation. Thank you.
"Aapse milna accha hai. Aakhir mai aapko dekhata hu."
اپ سےملنا اچھاھے
Aap se milna Achha Hay- translated into English it means- To meet you is a good thing. As such it is a statement regarding meeting a person, and is not perhaps an appropriate form of greeting. A proper greeting would be: Aap se milkay buhat khusi hoi,or in a more polished Urdu- Aap se mulaqaat meri liya bayis-i- mussart hay.