21-40 of 171
171 record(s) found according to names | Knowing, skilled, recognizing Allah |
| Knowing, skilled, recognizing Allah |
| (Urdu word) desire, wish. |
| A woman who saves others. |
| Pharaoh’s wife who embraced lslam |
| Name of one of the companions of the Holy prophet of Allah(Peace be upon him). |
| Emancipated, a beautiful lady, of honourable family back ground. |
| Of good fragrance, a connoisseur of fragrance. |
| (Awf) Guest, fragrance, lion, Name of a Sahabi. |
| Name of a number of Sahabah, e.g. Aus bin Thabit, ,Aus bin Saamil. |
| Name of a great Muahaddith scholar of Hadith. |
| Gloony look,The uncle of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him) and well-known Sahabi(RA). |
Abdul-Ahad | عبدالاحد | (Abbas ) |
| Slave of the One, unique,without partner, Al Ahad is one of the attributes of Almighty Allah. |
| Slave of the Creator, one who creates things from non existence. |
| Slave of the Powerful, mighty |
| Slave of the Everlasting, Al Qayyom is an attribute, excessively applied to Allah Almighty. |
| Slave of the One who is free from any physical and moral defects, blessed, pious, and celestial person, Quddoos is an attribute applied to Allah. |
21-40 of 171
What Does ilham or ilhan mean.
if you have any clue or know what it means please reply back.
asalam alykum
meaning of a name
I am looking for the meaning of the name Samrina. I know it's an Urdu name, but I can't find the meaning anywhere. Could you help?
i given my girl name as "RABIZIA" i need the meaning
Samrina meaning
I would like to know whether the name "Samreena" is an acceptable muslim name. If it is acceptable then what is the meaning of "Samreena"
Answer 9774 2003-10-06
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Samreena - unable to locate.
and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
That's all I could find about this name.
Just a quick question please.
Were you able to gain further information?
Thank you
name meaning
could u pls tell me the meaning for this name:-
ahmad fahrin hakimi
mohd fazli
tq and regards
name meaning
why u haven't write the meaning of the name "Falak" as this name is very popular and the meaning too...
Falak meanz Sky
I named my daughter Aumanae-I'm sure that our spelling is nowhere near accurate. However, I loved the name when we lived in the Middle East and wanted to use it. Can you tell me what it means?