Muslim Names

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41-59 of 59
59 record(s) found according to names

Zhareef    ظریف
(Zareef), Polite, witty, good-tempered ingenious, good.
Zhareefah    ظریفه
(Zareefah) Polite, witty, ingenious, good.
Zhill    ظل
(Zill), Shadow, shade, protection.
Zhuhoor    ظھور
(Zuhoor), Appearing, arising, visibility.
Zia    ضیاء
(Diyaa) Light,
Zinneerah    زنیرہ
Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
Ziyaad    زیاد
spender, brilliance. Graceful, distinguished, elegant. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Zubaidah    زبیدہ
Name of the wife of the Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed.
Zubair    زبیر
A brave and wise person,Name of a famous Sahabi who was of the ‘Ashara-i-Mubashsharah.
Zubairaa    زبیرہ
Diminutive of Zahraa’. spirit, courage, power,freshness, flower.
Zubdah    زبدة
Zufar    زفر
Lion, a brave person, an army, a flowing river,, Name of a great Imaam and jurist.
Zuhaa    ضحیٰ
(Duhaa) Forenoon. Name, Shamsu-Zuhaa.Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Zuhrah    ذھرة
The planet Venus, beauty, virtue, elegance, splendor.
Zulaikhaa    زلیخا
Name of the famous woman in the days of Hazrat Yousuf ( peace be upon him), a prophet of Almighty Allah.
Zulfaqaar    ذوالفقار
(Dhulfaqar) Name of a celebrated sword which fell into the hand of Rasoolullah sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam in the Battle of Badr and which was presented to Ali( Note, It is incorrect to Say Fiqaar with kasrah).
Zulkifl    ذوالکفل
(Dhulkifl) Name of a prophet of Allah.
Zunnoon    ذوالنون
(Dhunnoon) The title of Hazrat Yoonus (Peace be upon him) meaning The Man of the whale,
Zushshimalain    ذوالشمالین
(Dhushimalin) Name of a Sahabi (RA)

41-59 of 59


What Does ilham or ilhan mean.
if you have any clue or know what it means please reply back.
asalam alykum

I am looking for the meaning of the name Samrina. I know it's an Urdu name, but I can't find the meaning anywhere. Could you help?

i given my girl name as "RABIZIA" i need the meaning

I would like to know whether the name "Samreena" is an acceptable muslim name. If it is acceptable then what is the meaning of "Samreena"

Answer 9774 2003-10-06

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Samreena - unable to locate.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

That's all I could find about this name.

Just a quick question please.

Were you able to gain further information?

Thank you

could u pls tell me the meaning for this name:-

ahmad fahrin hakimi

mohd fazli

tq and regards

why u haven't write the meaning of the name "Falak" as this name is very popular and the meaning too...

Falak meanz Sky

I named my daughter Aumanae-I'm sure that our spelling is nowhere near accurate. However, I loved the name when we lived in the Middle East and wanted to use it. Can you tell me what it means?

