Muslim Names

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61-70 of 70
70 record(s) found according to names

Thaubaan    ثوبان
(Saubaan): Wealth, power, influence, affluence,
Thubaitah    ثبیته
Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
Thumamah    ثمامة
(Sumamah): Name of a distinguished Sahabi(RA) .
Thurayya    ثریا
Cluster of seven brilliant stars in Taurus, commonly known as the seven sisters, a wealthy lady, luster, chandelier.
Thuwabah    ثعلبه
(Thuwaybah)Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA), name of the lady, who had breast-fed the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Tihaami    تہامی
One who lives in Tihamah, a place in Arab, a title of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
Tooba    طوبیٰ
Glad tiding, good news.
Tooba    طوبیٰ
Glad tiding, good news.
Tufail    طفیل
Name of a Sahabi who participated in thebattle of Badr.
Tulaib    طلیب
Name of a Sahabi who participated in thebattle of Badr.

61-70 of 70


what is the meaning of touba in urdu

i was really impressed when i saw this site
its really great v r developing our language
i came across it as i was searching for an email adress amd i wanted it to be consistent with the meaning of my name
and my problem was solved

what does word "rafeela" mean,this is girl's name

Dear Sir / Madam,

I like very much the name of Karishma.
Can you advice me as to whether this name has an urdu meaning

Karishma means MIRACLE

--Dil Se...

