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38 record(s) found according to names | (Zaamin) One who stands surety for another, one who helps. |
| (Persian) Knowledge, science, and learning. |
| Name of a prophet of Allah Almighty. Its English equivalent is Daniel. |
| (Zahhaak) Name a of Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
| (Zameer) Heart, conscience. |
| Dear, close, low, easy, comfortable. |
| Name of a Sahabiyah, daughter of Abu Lahab. |
| Riches happiness: felicity, prosperity, Name Saifuddawlah. |
| Name of a well-known prophet of Allah Almighty. Its English equivalent is David. |
| A mighty ruler, judge , protector, one who doesn’t render deed worthless but compensates Accordingly, Allah’s attribute. Name Abdud Dayyan. |
| (Arabic) Obedience, nature, habit, Name of a Sahabiyah (RA) |
| (Zaakir) One who constantly praises and remembers Allah Ta’ala.. |
| One who constantly remembers and glorifies Allah. |
| (Zakaa) Keen perception, sharpness of mind, deep insight, sagacity. Name: Zakaa’ ud Deen. |
| (Zakawaan) Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
| (Zaki) One who has a sharp mind and keen perception intelligent. Name: Zakiyyud Deen. |

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meaning of name
what is the meaning of touba in urdu
i was really impressed when i saw this site
its really great v r developing our language
i came across it as i was searching for an email adress amd i wanted it to be consistent with the meaning of my name
and my problem was solved
name meaning
what does word "rafeela" mean,this is girl's name
please advice
Dear Sir / Madam,
I like very much the name of Karishma.
Can you advice me as to whether this name has an urdu meaning
Karishma =miracle
Karishma means MIRACLE
--Dil Se...