Muslim Names

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41-45 of 45
45 record(s) found according to names

Uthmaan    عثمان
Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
Uwaim    عویم
Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
Uwais    اویس
Name of a great saint and Taabi‘ee (RA).
Uzair    عزیر
Name of a prophet of Allah Taala.
Uzhmaa    عظمیٰ
(Uzmaa), Greater, more dignified, more exalted.

41-45 of 45


Eshaal means ' Jannat ka phool'
visit this link 4 correct writing in urdu:

Ain Sheen Alif Laam

Thank you so much Nadeem g



any body can tell me the meaning for the names Abdul khadir,Khadirunnisa,Nazimunnisa and pls sugst me the name for my baby boy DOB on 30-07-08 wednesday time 18:56 




Can you please tell me the islamic meaning, signifacene and suitability of the name "Shayman or Shaiman" for a baby boy?

 Thanks in advance.


pls tell me the correct meaning of sambreen

Assalamu Alaikum,

Dear Friends,

Can you pls help me, I want to know meaning of Muniza.


Ahsan Ansari 


   What is the exact meaning of the names 'Fida', 'Sheza' and 'Ghazan' ? Appreciate if you could send the proper meaning, origin and pronunciation of these three names to my email address





What is the real meaning of "Mamun"? Ans: 1) Secured or 2) Trustworth ???

Appreciate, if anybody can confirm; because these two are seen in different book or web pages.

Thanks in advance // Mamun

as salam alaikum\

can any one tell me what is meaning of LAVIZA
