Muslim Names

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50 record(s) found according to names

Baadiyah    بادیه
Name of a sahahiyyah.
Baahir    باھر
Baaqi    باقی
The Everlasting, perpetual , an attribute of Allah. Name, Abdul-Baaqi.
Baar    باز
Just, pious.
Baari    باری
Creator, one of the attributes of Almighty Allah.
Baasim    باسم
Smiling, happy.
Baasit    باسط
Conferrer of prosperity , one of the attributes of Almighty Allah. Name, Abdul-Baasit.
Baayazeed    بایزید
The name of a king known us Baayazezd Yaldarim, also the name of a great sufi.
Badar    بدر
Full moon.
Badee    بدیع
(Badi‘) Novel, Strange, Rare,one of the Attributes of Almighty Allah. Name Abdul Badee.
Baha    بھاء
Beauty, brilliancy, loveliness.
Baha    بھاء
Beauty, elegance, exellence, it also means in Persian, value. Names, Bahaa’uddeen, Bahaa-ul-haq.
Bahaar    بہار
(Persian word) spring, prime, bloom, beauty, glory, elegance, delight, enjoyment, flourishing state, fine, landscape.
Bahtath    بحاث
Name of Sahabi, who was present in the battle Badar.
Bakht    بخت
(Persian word) Luck, good fortune, prosperity, lot, portion.
Bakhtaawar    بختاور
(Persian) Fortunate, lucky.
Baleegh    بلیخ
Eloquent, learnod
Baleel    بلیل
Name of Sahabi who was present in the battle of Uhud.
Baqilah    باقله
Name of a sahabiyyah.
Baqir    باقر
Well learned, fierce, lion, a very wealthy man, the title of Imam Aboo Ja’far.

1-20 of 50


Eshaal means ' Jannat ka phool'
visit this link 4 correct writing in urdu:

Ain Sheen Alif Laam

Thank you so much Nadeem g



any body can tell me the meaning for the names Abdul khadir,Khadirunnisa,Nazimunnisa and pls sugst me the name for my baby boy DOB on 30-07-08 wednesday time 18:56 




Can you please tell me the islamic meaning, signifacene and suitability of the name "Shayman or Shaiman" for a baby boy?

 Thanks in advance.


pls tell me the correct meaning of sambreen

Assalamu Alaikum,

Dear Friends,

Can you pls help me, I want to know meaning of Muniza.


Ahsan Ansari 


   What is the exact meaning of the names 'Fida', 'Sheza' and 'Ghazan' ? Appreciate if you could send the proper meaning, origin and pronunciation of these three names to my email address





What is the real meaning of "Mamun"? Ans: 1) Secured or 2) Trustworth ???

Appreciate, if anybody can confirm; because these two are seen in different book or web pages.

Thanks in advance // Mamun

as salam alaikum\

can any one tell me what is meaning of LAVIZA
