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50 record(s) found according to names | The Everlasting, perpetual , an attribute of Allah. Name, Abdul-Baaqi. |
| Creator, one of the attributes of Almighty Allah. |
| Conferrer of prosperity , one of the attributes of Almighty Allah. Name, Abdul-Baasit. |
| The name of a king known us Baayazezd Yaldarim, also the name of a great sufi. |
| (Badi‘) Novel, Strange, Rare,one of the Attributes of Almighty Allah. Name Abdul Badee. |
| Beauty, brilliancy, loveliness. |
| Beauty, elegance, exellence, it also means in Persian, value. Names, Bahaa’uddeen, Bahaa-ul-haq. |
| (Persian word) spring, prime, bloom, beauty, glory, elegance, delight, enjoyment, flourishing state, fine, landscape. |
| Name of Sahabi, who was present in the battle Badar. |
| (Persian word) Luck, good fortune, prosperity, lot, portion. |
| (Persian) Fortunate, lucky. |
| Name of Sahabi who was present in the battle of Uhud. |
| Well learned, fierce, lion, a very wealthy man, the title of Imam Aboo Ja’far. |

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basheer ahamed? wraite meaning pls
Meaning of Bashir is: Bringer of glad tidings.
name meaning
plz can anybody tell me the meaning of name "SANNIA" ??
spelling is Saniyah , & it mean resplendence , Brilliance
meaning of name
can anyone tell me the name of "AASHMEENA"
Meaning of Imran is: A Prophet's name.
Name Meaning of Shamraiz (شمریز)
Can anyone tell me the name of Shamraiz
Girls and Boys Names with an easy pronunciation
assalamu alaikkum... My husband is a revert and we are trying to decide on baby names. As we do not want to displease people or cause any animosity towards our baby with something like a name we would like to choose a neutral name that both sides of the family will like and respect and that we like too.
Can anyone please help me with some ideas of boy and girl names that can pass as European names as well.
it can be < Safoorah >
it can be < Safoorah > meaning is: Wife of Prophet Musa (A.S).
it should be sound both moms & dads name,
Shukran safoorah
girl name
mariya... name for girl which european also have. its arabic word with meanings of white color girl and ,wish , desire