Muslim Names

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87 record(s) found according to names

Raabia    رابعه
Name of Residing peacefully, Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA), Name of a saint who is known as Rabiah Basriyyah.
Raabiah    رابعه
A bounding in green foliage. Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
Raabit    رابط
One who connects between two things.
Raabitah    رابطہ
Raadhi    راضی
(Raazi) Agreed, contended, willing, satisfied, pleased.
Raafi    رافع
Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
Raafiah    رافعه
High, exalted, wealthy.
Raaghib    راغب
Willing, wishing, desirous, inclined towards.
Raahat    راحت
Comfort, rest, ease, tranquillity, relief, pleasure.
Raahat    راحت
Comfort, rest, ease, tranquillity, relief, pleasure.
Raahilah    راحیله
A travelling woman.
Raani    رانی
(Urdu) A queen.
Raashid    راشد
Pious, follower of the right path.
Raashidah    راشدہ
Pious, follower of the right path.
Raaziyah    راضیه
(Raadiyah) Agreed, willing, satisfied, pleased.
Rabah    رباح
Name of a Sahabi(RA).
Rabbaani    ربانی
Divine, Godly.
Rabee    ربیع
Rabeeah    ربیعه
A bounding in green foliage.
Rabtah    ربطه
Name of many Sahabiyyat (RA).

1-20 of 87


my name is aliza (pronounced ah-lee-zah) and it is of hebrew origin i think meaning joy

I saw a name "ABARR" on one of the articles on Prophet (swa)names and his titles and the meeaning on that site was "most righteous" and it also said that this is one of the Prophet (swa) title. Can someone verify the meaning and also the title part too. Thanks,

plz can any body tells me what is the meaning of ' masdhooq '

Can anoyone please tell me the meaning of name "ROHA" or "ROHAH"

Eid Mubarak

I am confused about the meaning of the name zunain. I want to name my son zunain but want to know the meaning first.Is it really an arabic name? Can anyone guide me please...I will be very grateful.
Allah Hafiz!

If anyone know the meaning of Minnah, and if its from Holy Quran

Mrs Jawwad

I have posted the meaning of RAVISH and would like to know if the original poster got the message.

Please post me a note at my above name ravish71 with yahoo and dot com.


Life is beautiful and full of love.

i want the meaning of shamveel

I want ot know the meaning of names and fazeelat of each name in islam
