Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1321    unclaimed (adjective)
لا وارثی۔ لا دعوی
1322    epithalamium, epithalamy (Noun)
جلوے کا گیت۔ گھوڑی۔ بنا۔ بدھائی۔ سہرا۔ شادیانہ
1323    micracle (Noun)
کرامت۔ معجزہ۔ پرچہ۔ تصرف۔ آشچرج کرم۔ (اعجاز۔ عجیب و غریب واقعہ)
1324    inappropriately (adverb)
نامناسب طور پر۔ غیر موزوں طور پر
1325    roundheaded (adjective)
گول سر والا۔
1326    valance (Noun)
پلنگ کی جھالر
1327    forbearance (Noun)
    1. the act
پرہیز۔ بچاؤ۔ احتراز۔ حذر
    2. patience
دھیرج۔ صبر۔ سمائی۔ تاب۔ برداشت۔ تحمل۔ سہار
1328    neatness (Noun)
    1. the quality of being neat
ستھرائی۔ پاکیزگی۔ صفائی۔ نفاست۔ لطافت
    2. purity
پارسائی۔ طہارت۔ پاکی۔ سودھ۔ شستگی
1329    haw (Noun)
کٹیلے درخت کا تخم اور پھل
1330    scaremonger (Noun)
دہشت انگیز خبریں پھیلانے والا۔



behtareen, umda


Beh- (Farsi) Good; Behtar- Better; Behtreen ( Superlative) Excellent.



Excellent means 'Shaandaar'.

You guys are doing a good job. Keep it up. Urdu has a distinguished capability of absorbing new words from other languages and I am sure that it will continue to get richer and florish.

Naseeruddin MD.

I will appreciate if someone can translate the following lines. I need it by monday for a project at my university. kindly e-mail the translation to
Thanks Rehan.
[That's what makes us tolerate suffering so long. Who would bear
the torments of the world we live in - the tyrant's injustice, the arrogant man's rudeness, the pangs of unrequited love.]

is there a possibility to get urdu-to-english dictionary on the net. does any one have an idea.


First of all let me congratulate you peaople for such a nice work done for keeping urdu alive. Its an excellent effort.
Can you please send me the Urdu Keyboard layout you are following for yor dictionary.Basically I am intrested to see the english meaning of urdu words, specially words used in urdu poetry.
My email id is
