Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1091    zest (Noun)
نارنگی یا نیبو کا چھلکا جو شراب میں ذائقے کے واسطے ڈالتے ہیں
سواد۔ مزہ۔ رس۔ ذائقہ۔ چٹخارہ
اخروٹ کا چھلکا
1092    scimiter, scimitar (Noun)
تیغہ۔ تیغ۔ نیمچہ۔ اسی۔ کھڑگ
1093    burningglass (Noun)
آتشی شیشہ
1094    love-song (Noun)
رسادک گیت۔ عشقیہ غزل یا گانا
1095    resort (Noun)
    1. the act of visiting
ملاقات۔ بھیٹ۔ رجوع۔ باز‌گشت۔
    2. haunt
گزر جانا۔ گزر۔ آمدورفت۔ آرجار۔
    3. expedient
اپائے۔ جتن۔ جگت۔ وسیلہ۔ تدبیر۔
تفریح گاہ۔
1096    inanimate, inanimated (adjective)
بے جان۔ نرجیو۔ غیر ذی روح۔ بے حیات۔ بے روح۔ مردہ دل۔ بیحس۔ کند
1097    darbies (Noun)
ہتھکڑی۔ سرکاری گہنا
1098    chess-board (Noun)
تختہٴ نرد ۔ بساط ۔ بساط شطرنج
1099    campaigner (Noun)
نبرد آزما
1100    hair-dye
خضاب۔ وسمہ



hi could any 1 translate this sentence means into english please??..........thanks...................yeh dil say kehti ho ya Khush kernay kay leya ........................hope 2 get a reply soon...bye..

it should be translated as "do you really mean it or you just say it to make me happy?"

ru saying it by heart or it just to make me happy

Are you saying this from the heart or just to make me happy.

Roughly, it's a question meaning "Did you say it (or mean it) from the heart or just to make me happy?"

hello, i have a document that i need translating from english into urdu and hindi... if anybody can help me i would be most grateful

I can traslate into urdu whatever document you have.

sir i need ur help to find a meaning of my name . MUSANNUM

Dear Sir i need ur help regarding the subject wht i have found in the net
Maisa (Meaning of the name in English) i want to know it in urdu.
1. One with proud gait.
2. Walker with proud gait.
3. walking with proud swinging gait.

i will be very thank full to u if u can help me reagding this probelm.

and plz also tell me is it a good name or Islamic Girl name or not.

thanking you,


my name is 'Mehdi', can any one tell me what does it mean and what is the hidden truth behind this name ?

Hint : Arabic Word "Al-Ajal"
