Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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1201    globate, globated (adjective)
مستدیر۔ مدور۔ گولا کار۔ کروی
1202    telotype (Noun)
تار چھاپ۔ ٹیلوٹائپ
1203    outburst (Noun)
جذبات کا طوفان،ہیجان،سیلاب۔ کوہ آتش فشاں کا پھٹنا
1204    descent (Noun)
    1. the act
اتار۔ گھٹاؤ۔ ڈھلاؤ
    2. declivity
ڈھال۔ ڈھلان۔ اتار۔ نچان۔ نشیب
    3. incursion
چڑھائی۔ حملہ۔ ہلہ۔ یورش۔ دوڑ۔ تاخت۔ فوج کشی
    4. offspring
اولاد۔ نسل
    descent in capillary attraction
نلی کھنچاؤ میں اتار زور
    by descent
بپوتی یا بانٹے میں۔ وراثت سے۔ ورثے میں
1205    interrogatively (adverb)
سوال کے طور پر
1206    lisp (verb neutor)
تتلانا۔ لکنت کرنا
1207    triumph (Noun)
    1. conquest
جے۔ جیت۔ فتح۔ بجئے
    2. exultation
خوشی۔ شادمانی۔ فخر
1208    spirit (verb active)
    1. excite
جرات دینا۔ دلیر کرنا۔ ہمت بڑھانا۔
    2. kidnap
لے بھاگنا۔ بھاگالے جانا۔
1209    poison (Noun)
    1. venom
زہر۔ سم۔ بس۔ ہلاہل۔ گرل
    2. anything infectious
مرض وبائی۔ روگ
    slow poison
دیر اثر زہر
1210    flush (Noun)
    1. a sudden flowing
ابال۔ طغیانی۔ بہہ نکلنا۔ جوش۔ کثرت
    flush of cash
دولت کی کثرت
    2. blush
تمتماہٹ۔ چہرے کی سرخی یا لالی۔ چمک۔ جھلک۔ جھلکی۔ شگفتگی
    3. of birds
شکاری پرندوں کا جھنڈ جو چونک کر اڑ جاتا ہے
    4. (of cards)
ایک رنگ کی لگی ہوئی بازی
Sar MayaDaree Nazam
Asslamo Alaikum Aysha
Capitalism in urdu we translate it as SarMayaDaree Nazaaam.
Hope this will help.
hi ayesha
اسلام علیکم
capitalism in urdu "sarmayadari"سرمایه دارى
you both r wrong... shab... mean night...and nam.. mean mosture..or nami......
Regarding the Sabnum
HI Dear.
Sabnum Means the water which precipitates during the night and in urdu sabnum has another name Oos.
Your difinition is correct.
Meaning of Raheel
I wanna know the meaning of my name. I didn't find it in this website please if any body knows then help me.(My name is RAHEEL)
Raheel in a Persian dictionary is described as Arabic, Hebrew Feminine, meaning Rachel- one of the female characters in the Old Testment [ Injeel].
Another meaning of Raheel relates to its root Rahlat- Journey or Safar, Hence one of the biggest journey we make in our lives is to move from this world to the hereafter - Rahlat. Another meaning, though related to this one, is Raheelah- a term related to Caravan- travelling together for safety; and Raheel is one who is travelling together- Ham Safar.
Kamraan-i- Safar [ Happy and Successful Safar]
Khuda Hafiz.
Meaning of raheel is (Safar k
Meaning of raheel is (Safar ker ne wala )or (kooch ker ne wala)
Help! Help! Help!
Could anyone please send me formal Urdu equivalents of:
A. wildlife sanctuary
B. wetland
C. plateau:
a. Iran Plateau
b. Baluchistan Plateau
c. Potwar Plateau
D. desert:
a. Sandy Desert
b. Kachhi Desert
c. Thar Desert
E. cave:
a. Pir Ghaib Cave
b. Rakhiot Cave
F. Names of several mountain peaks:
a. Baintha Brakk
b. Dramkan
c. Gasherbrum
I can read Urdu script. I need the Urdu versions of the above geographical terms/toponyms for a planned publication on South Asian geographical terms (State Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, Poland).
Thanking you in advance,
Artur Karp,
urdu wording
PLateau_ satah-e-murtafa
Urdu geographical terms:
If you have a School Atlas at hand could you please check for me what's the Urdu equivalent of "Iran Plateau"?
"Sandy Desert" (in Baluchistan)?
"Gasherbrum Peak" (in Karakorum Mountains)?
I have already found "wetland" (aabgaah). But - how to translate "wildlife sanctuary"? Would it possibly be: janglii hayaat panaah gaah? Could you please check in some English-Urdu dictionary?
Artur K.