Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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591    deportment (Noun)
ڈھنگ۔ وضع۔ طریق۔ برتاؤ
592    intruder (Noun)
مخل۔ پیٹھنے یا گھس جانے والا۔ مداخلت کرنے والا۔ غیر۔ اجنبی۔ دست انداز۔ بن بلایا مہمان
593    rummage (Noun)
ڈھونڈ۔ تلاش۔ کھوج۔ ٹوہ ٹاہ۔
594    palingenesis (Noun)
نئی زندگی پانا یا بخشنا۔ احیاء۔ تجدید۔ سیرت آبائی کا اعادہ
595    cut (verb active)
    1. divide
کاٹنا۔ جدا کرنا۔ قلم کرنا
    Cut off the head and tail and throw away the rest. (Prov.)
سر اور دم چھانٹ دو، باقی پھینک دو
    to cut down an oak and set up a strawberry (Prov.)
کولھو کاٹ موگرا بنانا
    2. interesect
    two straight lines which cut one another
دو سیدھی لکیریں جو ایک دوسرے کو کاٹتی ہیں
    3. remove by cutting
کترنا۔ کاٹنا۔ چھانٹنا۔ قلم کرنا
    Cutting out well is better than sewing up well (Prov.)
اچھی سلائی سے اچھی قطع بہتر
    4. castrate
بدھیا کرنا۔ خصی کرنا۔ اختہ کرنا
    to cut a horse
گھوڑے کو اختہ کرنا
    5. carve
کھودنا۔ نقش کرنا۔ چنھ ڈالنا۔ روپ بنانا۔ شکل دینا
    Why should a man whose blood is warm within him
    Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster.
    (Shakespeare 'Merchant of Venice' i. 1
خون میں جس شخص کے جوش جوانی ہے بھرا کس لیے چپ چاپ بیٹھے بت سا اپنے باپ کا F.C.
    6. deduct
کاٹ لینا۔ منہا کرنا۔ مجرا یا وضع کرنا۔ کمتی کرنا
چاک کرنا۔ چھیدنا۔ بیندھنا۔ گودنا۔ کاٹنا۔ پھاڑنا۔ ٹکڑے کرنا۔ جی میں گھاؤ یا زخم ڈالنا
    She was cut to the heart by his unkindness.
اس کی بے مروتی سے اس کے دل میں زخم ہوگیا
    8. bet cuts with
کٹ ہونا۔ کٹی ہونا
    We are cuts.
ہماری کٹی ہوگئی
    cut and dried
کٹا کٹایا۔ بنا بنایا۔ پکا پکایا۔ پہلے سے تیار کیا یا رکھا ہوا
    cut and come again
لو کھاؤ جتنا چاہو، اور پھر آؤ۔ کھاؤ کچھ کمی نہیں ہے
    cut and prepared for use
بنا بنایا۔ تیار۔ پکا پکایا۔ چھلا چھلایا۔ کٹا کٹایا۔ بنا سنورا
    cut glass
نقشیں گلاس
    cut up, 1. in pieces
ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کرنا
    2. criticise severely
ٹکڑے اڑانا۔ دھجیاں یا پرخچے بکھیرنا
    to cut up a book or its author by severe criticism
کتاب یا اس کے مصنف کی سخت نکتہ چینی کر کے دھجیاں بکھیرنا
    to be cut out for
لائق یا قابل ہونا۔ استعداد رکھنا
    to cut a dash or figure
تصویر بنانا۔ طمطراق یا تمکنت دکھانا
    to cut a joke
پھبتی کہنا
    to cut capers
کھیل کود کرنا۔ الول کرنا۔ کلول کرنا
    to cut down 1. fell
کاٹ ڈالنا۔ چھانٹنا۔ قلم کرنا
    2. abate
کم کرنا۔ گھٹانا۔منہا کرنا
    to cut down expenses
خرچ میں کمی یا تخفیف کرنا
    to cut off
کاٹ ڈالنا۔ الگ کردینا۔ بھٹا سا اڑا دینا
    to cut out 1. (clothes)
کرنا۔قطع کرنا
    2. exclude
چھانٹنا۔الگ کرنا۔ دور کرنا۔ باہر کرنا
    3. out-do
بڑھ نکلنا۔ سبقت لے جانا
    to cut short 1. lessen
گھٹانا۔ کاٹنا۔ کم کرنا۔ کوتاہ کرنا
    2. interrupt
بات کاٹنا۔ قطع کلام کرنا۔ بند کرنا۔ روکنا
    to cut the acquaintance of
یاری کٹ کرنا۔ کٹی کرنا۔ یارانہ چھوڑنا۔ دوستی ترک کرنا
    to cut the cards
تراشنا (تاش)
    to cut teeth
دانت نکالنا۔ (بچے کا)
596    strait (Noun)
ناکا۔ تنگ راستہ۔
    2. (Geog.)
آبنائء۔ سمدرسنکٹ۔
سنکٹ۔ کشٹ۔ دقت۔ تنگی۔ مصیبت۔ دشواری۔
597    diaphoresis (Noun)
پسینوں میں تر بہ تر ہونا۔ پسینے آنا۔ آب آب ہونا۔ پسینوں میں نہا جانا۔ تعریق
598    splint, splinter (Noun)
ٹکڑا۔ کرچ۔ پھانس۔ ریزہ۔ چھپٹی۔
    2. (Surg.)
    3. (Far.)
گھوڑے کے گامچے کی گلٹی۔
599    paregoric (Noun)
درد میں تخفیف کرنے والی دوا۔ مسکن درد۔ شربت مسکن
600    skittles (Noun)
ایک قسم کا کھیل۔



From Mrs.Juanit Doton

Dear Friend,

I am Mrs.Juanit Doton a widow, the wife of Late Mr. Jose Doton the secretary general of the Pangasinan chapter of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan party killed on the may 16,2006 by Philippines government, I would like to have a long lasting and confidant relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life time fortune into your possession,as now I am broken hearted and needs someone to trust,without remembering my past and forsaken experiences from close confidants and family. I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time partner, after making claim of my deposit.

My late husband was a top politicians heads of several top offices in the government of Philippines. After the death of my husband his brothers conspired with some top officials in the government and confiscated all my Late husband's properties and left me with nothing, I have two kid's living with me,things have been very urgly for me and my children's after the death of my Late husband.

Well, from your profile, I believe in me that you ought to be a very honest person. Pls all I wanted from you is to assist me make claims of some funds which my Late husband did deposited with a Diplomatic Agency,as the other deposits documents have been consficated and seized by my Late husband's brother's, but this one is the only one they could not see,as I did kept the documents with one of my close confidant. The Amount being deposited is much about 14.2 million Euros,this was the money that was supposed to be used by my Late husband to aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa, fortunately,they killed him.

I need your help to secure the money from the Diplomatic Agency through diplomatic shipment arrangement,and after the fund have been secured, both of us will sign an agreement of joint investment company in your country for the future of both families, the 10% of the total money will be giving to you for your assistance.

All, I want from you, now is honesty and sincerity, as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way out of Philippines and travel down to meet you with my children's, So we can go into a life time partnership together,in investing this money in your country and anywhere else you prefer and for the continuation of my children's education which was disrupted after the death of my Late husband.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Mrs.Juanit Doton

تبریزی is a type of plant, a poplar. It's used as درخت تبریزی, a Poplar tree.

From Mrs.Juanit Doton

Dear Friend,

I am Mrs.Juanit Doton a widow, the wife of Late Mr. Jose Doton the secretary general of the Pangasinan chapter of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan party killed on the may 16,2006 by Philippines government, I would like to have a long lasting and confidant relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life time fortune into your possession,as now I am broken hearted and needs someone to trust,without remembering my past and forsaken experiences from close confidants and family. I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time partner, after making claim of my deposit.

My late husband was a top politicians heads of several top offices in the government of Philippines. After the death of my husband his brothers conspired with some top officials in the government and confiscated all my Late husband's properties and left me with nothing, I have two kid's living with me,things have been very urgly for me and my children's after the death of my Late husband.

Well, from your profile, I believe in me that you ought to be a very honest person. Pls all I wanted from you is to assist me make claims of some funds which my Late husband did deposited with a Diplomatic Agency,as the other deposits documents have been consficated and seized by my Late husband's brother's, but this one is the only one they could not see,as I did kept the documents with one of my close confidant. The Amount being deposited is much about 14.2 million Euros,this was the money that was supposed to be used by my Late husband to aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa, fortunately,they killed him.

I need your help to secure the money from the Diplomatic Agency through diplomatic shipment arrangement,and after the fund have been secured, both of us will sign an agreement of joint investment company in your country for the future of both families, the 10% of the total money will be giving to you for your assistance.

All, I want from you, now is honesty and sincerity, as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way out of Philippines and travel down to meet you with my children's, So we can go into a life time partnership together,in investing this money in your country and anywhere else you prefer and for the continuation of my children's education which was disrupted after the death of my Late husband.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Mrs.Juanit Doton

Since it is your name, it could be that it is a place. ادم از تبریز

I would like to learn the Urdu language to understand the traditional ghazals. Is there any website, which teaches Urdu?
Also, i was listening to a Mirza Ghalib ghazal (sung by Suraiya)... can anyone tell me what is the meaning of Nuktacheen?
You will keep seeing such mails from me till I learn the language. Take care all of you. God bless.

Dear Kheyali,
The meaning of "nuktacheen" is the one who comments in between on every thing.(bole to jo har bat pe beech beech mein tokta hai)
hope you get the things

Found it at last at It is a very user friendly site - one need not be accurate about the english spelling... anyway, for the benefit of novices like me, Nuktacheen means "Critic, One Who Finds Fault, Tends To Split Hair, Sweetheart"

"Eel" is a snake like elongated fish. I have been looking for an Urdu word for this fish. I am not in Pakistan, therefore, I have no access to any detailed English-to-Urdu dictionary. Does anybody know the right word in Urdu for "Eel"?

Thank you,

It's called مارماہی, "Snake Fish"

salam to all, kia haal hain sab k? inshAllah achay he hon gay,mai yahaan aim site post kar raha hon,jo forum site hai,aur es mai deen,islam quran,islam ki tareek,islamic article ,hadees shareef moujood hain,
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aur shairy, ,tanzoo mazaah,ghazals,latefay hain.
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