Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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991    story-teller (Noun)
قصہ گو۔ داستان گو۔ پواڑیا۔
992    minister (verb active)
    1. attend and serve
خدمت کرنا۔ سربراہی کرنا
    2. afford supplies
دینا۔ بہم پہنچانا۔ حاجت روائی کرنا۔ احتیاج رفع کرنا۔ (اعانت کرنا)
993    cache (Noun)
خزانہ، سامان، رسد، گولہ بارود وغیرہ چھپانے کی پوشیدہ جگہ ۔ دفینہ ۔ چھپائی ہوئی چیزیں
994    mystagogue (Noun)
تعبیر کنندہ۔ تبرکات کا دکھانے والا۔ (مرشد۔ پیر طریقت۔ علوم باطنی کا استاد)
995    accident (Noun)
    1. chance
سنجوگ ۔ اتفاق ۔ عارضہ
    2. quality
گن ۔ بھاؤ ۔ خاصیت ۔ صفت
    3. (Logic)
بھاؤ سنجوگ ۔ خواص عارضی
    4. (Gram.)
بھبکتی ۔ گردان ۔ صرف
    5. occurence
سرگزشت ۔ روئداد ۔ واردات ۔ واقعہ ۔ ماجرا ۔ حادثہ
    to meet with an accident
چوٹ لگنا ۔ صدمہ پہنچنا
996    luck (Noun)
    1. fortune
تقدیر۔ بخت۔ نصیب۔ بھاگ۔ قسمت۔
    2. event
اتفاق۔ سنجوگ
    Good luck lies in odd numbers
طاق عدد مبارک ہوتے ہیں
    to be in the luck
رتی چمکنا۔ بھاگوان ہونا۔ صاحب قسمت ہونا
997    tete-a-tete (adverb)
منہ در منہ۔ آمنے سامنے۔ رو برو۔ دوش بدوش
998    midway (Noun)
آدھی راہ۔ اثنائے راہ
999    preter
پرے۔ بعید۔ دور۔
1000    exponent (Noun)
    1. (Alg.)
کسی مقدار کی قوت
    2. an index or representative
علامت۔ مظہر۔ دلیل۔ قائم مقام
    exponent of a ratio
نسبت کا حاصل۔ خارج قسمت
Hi everyone!
I found this site very usefull, but a little scattered and unorganized. If the moderator can workout some strategy to sort out issues and create some usefull forums where people can translate english words whether of daily usage or technical into urdu. This way we can poplarize urdu language and add some more words which do not come from any other languages except some of our own, like farsi, arabic, hindi, and our regional languages.
Any way I was looking for the meaning of a word in english to urdu. I could not find a better urdu word for website. This kind of conversion can really boost our morale.
meaning of Shaiyana
hi im a 17 yr old, curious as to know wat my name means, my dad got it from an indian or urdu movie, someone told me it was urdu, so if anyone does know can you PLEASE pass it on to, it would be very much appreciated
Translation of "Sony py Suhaga"
Can any body tell translation of "sony py Suhaga " In english?
Sonay pay Suhaga
it means "any act/thing which enhances the effect of the other act/thing"
Respected! i know this but i want to know its exact & pet word/translation in English.
Tana dery na
I would like to know the meaning of one of Ustad Nusrat's songs entitled "Tana Dery Na". Thank you!
English of Amanat
Hi to Every one,
can any one let me know the english of ( AMANAT ) Thanks
English of Amanat
HI .....
There are several words in English for word (AMANAT in Urdu) such as (Guardship, Something Given in Trust or Security) but it all depends how and when you are using this word. It all depends on the situation.
Atif Naser
meaning of amaanat
Something Given In Trust, Deposit, Security
you can also find meaning by submitting following link
Aslamu alyhkum
Salam to all dear reders and thanks to the provider of this
opportunity to us.
I Asad in United kingdom Would like to know the meaning of Zahid Asad. I would appreciate if anybody can E-mail me From Pakistan and let me know of the
thank you
Asad Best Regards