Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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781    Hebrew (Noun)
عبر کی اولاد۔ یہودی۔ اسرائیلی
عبرانی زبان
782    compiler (Noun)
مؤلف ۔ جامع ۔ سنچے کرتا
    the compiler of a dictionary
مؤلف لغات ۔ کوش رچتا
783    contumelious (adjective)
حقارتی ۔ گستاخی
784    manifest (Noun)
بیجک۔ تعلیقہٴ مال تجارت۔ (فہرست)
785    reflectiveness (Noun)
سنجیدگی۔ تفکر پسندی
786    scrub (Noun)
    1. a mean fellow
سفلہ۔ پاجی۔ دون۔ تیلی کا بیل۔ محنتی آدمی
    2. something small and mean
ادنیٰ چیز
    3. a worn-out brush
پرانی جھاڑو
    4. a low under wood
زیر درختی۔ (روئیدگی۔ گھاس پھوس)
787    bi-pinnate (adjective)
دوہرا پرِیلا
788    thoral (adjective)
بچھونے کا۔ بستر کا
789    spoony (adjective)
سادہ لوح۔ مورکھ۔ عاشق مزاج۔ مغلوب۔ دل پھینک
790    consolidated (adjective)
    1. made compact
سخت ۔ منجمد
    2. united
جڑا یا ملا ہوا ۔ مجموعہ
    3. (Bot.)
موٹا ۔ بھرا ۔ دل دار
    consolidated salary or allowance
مشاہرہ بالمقطع



i wanna know the name for that stone in urdu (GARNET)

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Adil Shah

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Can anyone tell me the meaning of Shahneela?

every one knows about anti-feminist stance of our society. this is found even in laguages . we have many abuses in our language tht contain female elements or derogatory remarks about them . i am trying to investigate it . can any body especially an expert in the back ground or the development of language commnet on that and give me his /her worthy opinion. i am interested in knowing the background or u may say reason of it. if any one can provide me with an historical glimpse. i would be very thankfull . my email address is

every one knows about anti-feminist stance of our society. this is found even in laguages . we have many abuses in our language tht contain female elements or derogatory remarks about them . i am trying to investigate it . can any body especially an expert in the back groung or the development of language commnet on that and give me his /her worthy opinion. i would be very thankfull . my email address is

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Salam u alikum
could anyone tell me what "mehwish" mean???
I'll be very grateful

