Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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841    inconsiderately (adverb)
see carelessly بے سوچے
842    baleful (adjective)
برا ۔ بد ۔ زبون ۔ مضر
843    bloodily (adverb)
کٹر پنے سے ۔ سنگدلی سے ۔ بے رحمی سے
844    factory (Noun)
    1. a house or place
کوٹھی۔ بنج استھان۔ کارخانہ۔ بیوپار گھر۔ دکان۔ کولھو۔ فیکٹری
    2. the body of factors
آڑتی یا گماشتے لوگ۔ کارندے۔ جماعت کارکناں یا کارپردازاں
    indigo factory
نیل کی کوٹھی
845    chopsticks (Noun)
بانس کی چمٹی
846    station (Noun)
    see state 1&2
جگہ۔ صدر مقام۔ جائے قیام۔ موقع۔ ٹھکانا۔ صدر مقام۔ چھاؤنی۔ منزل۔ پڑاؤ۔ چوگی۔ ریل گھر۔ ریل کا اسٹیشن۔
خدمت۔ عہدہ۔ منصب۔ رتبہ۔
پولیس چوکی۔ تھانہ۔
مہتمم چوکی ریل۔ اسٹیشن ماسٹر۔
    station pointer
مقام نما۔
847    unconjugal (adjective)
زوجیت کے نامناسب
848    intermundane (adjective)
کروں کے درمیان
849    exequies (Noun)
رسومات تجہیز و تکفین۔ کریا کرم کی رسمیں
850    expressiveness (Noun)
وضاحت۔ صراحت۔ فصاحت۔ قوت بیان
Thanks Sheroz
Thanks sheroz for your comments. Please can i have more views and opinions regarding these names, it will be appreciated. :)
please help
can someone tell me how do you say in urdu "I want you to be THE ONE for me!"spelling,not with those strange letters :).thanx a lot
The One
میرا دل ہے کے تم منحصراً میری هو.
This means I wish that exclusively you be mine.
Or you could substitute, تم و فقط تم which means you and only you.
Saying "The One" in Urdu doesn't have the same connotation of 'the girl' as it does in English. You could say
میرا دل ہے کے تم وه دختر هو میرے خاطر. which means:
I wish for you to be that girl for me.
Competitive greatness
Hi, Does anyone know the urdu of "Competitive greatness" ?
competitive greatness
Yes, you can say عظمت رفابتی or بزرگی مسابقہ ای or mix and match.
HI all
I am new, name is Ijaz,. Hope will be welcome.
Great website. Will look in some leisure time.
you are most welcome to this site
hi Anjasha,
sorry, I tried my level best but, couldnt get the meaning of your name,
i will search in library.
this is MALE name, The Prophet had a camel driver called Anjasha, and he had a melodious voice.
Diya, regarding the sentence you made, appropriate words that you could use are: رضامندی or خوشنودی , خرسندی all of these work with the message you are trying to convey(satisfaction). The words that Areeb gave مطمئن or اختیار (confident and choice/control) work with the sentence but may not be what you are trying to get across (from the english you provided).
Thx MasterFahad
Thx for your help, regarding the interpretation of satisfaction. In your message you have given other examples of words which i can also use. As urdu is not my first language can you please interpret the examples into Roman Urdu, as then i will be able to understand it.