Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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911    haves and have-nots
غریب اور امیر
912    laddie (Noun)
لڑکا۔ چھوکرا۔ لونڈا۔
913    land-holder (Noun)
زمین دار۔ جاگیردار۔ ٹھاکر۔ بھومیا۔ مالک اراضی۔ دھرتی پت
    dependent land-holder
تعلق دار۔ مفصلی
    independent land-holder
تعلق دار حضوری
914    precariously (adverb)
بے ثباتی سے۔ عارضاً۔ بلا تعین۔
915    brusque (adjective)
اکھڑ ۔ اُجڈ
916    symbolize (verb active)
علامت سے ظاہر کرنا۔
917    deglutition (Noun)
    1. the act
نگلنا۔ لیلنا۔ کھا جانا
    2. the power
نگل جانے کی طاقت
918    hillock (Noun)
پہاڑی۔ ٹیلا۔ ٹیبا۔ ڈھانگ۔ ڈونگر
919    millenary (adjective)
ہزار سالہ۔ ہزار برس کا
920    misentry (Noun)
حساب کی غلطی۔ غلط داخلہ۔ (غلط اندراج)



assalmoalakum ,thnx areeb.for telling me a meaning....ALLAH HAFIZ

Can somebody also tell me the meaning of Ariana - again from Farsi


In Urdu عریان means naked and آریایی means Aryan. Those are the closest words for it. Also, ذیشان means dignified and علی means high like علی شاں for magnificent. I don't believe the others come from Arabic either, so you might want to check for non-Islamic names.

Can somebody help me with the meaning and origins of the following names -
1) Aliana - think its a Farsi name.
2) Zeeshan -
3) Arhan


There is a good Urdu History site I found I thought I should share:

Please Donate with open hearts for the victms of Earthquake!
Your little contribution can save precious lives

Please Donate with open hearts for the victms of Earthquake!
Your little contribution can save precious lives

Can someone translate this into Urdu for me please? It's for notices at school. Thanks Anne Marie
