Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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1131    foot-man (Noun)
سپاہی۔ دربارن۔ ہرکارہ۔ پیادہ۔ خدمت گار
1132    bouilli (Noun)
اُبلا ہوا گوشت ۔ شوربے دار گوشت
1133    muster, / see assemble, v.n. (verb neutor)
اکھٹا کرنا۔
1134    overlay (verb active)
بہت لادنا۔ دابا ڈالنا۔ کچل مارنا
ڈھکنا۔ منڈھنا۔ لیپنا۔ لیسنا
1135    lively (adjective)
    1. gay
خوش طبع۔ خوش دل
    see live 1,2,4.
    2. life-like
منہ سے بولتا ہوا
    I spied the lively picture of my father.
میں نے اپنے باپ کی منہ سے بولتی ہوئی تصویر دیکھی
    lively as tune
چلتی لے
1136    disreputation, disrepute (Noun)
بدنامی۔ رسوائی۔ فضیحتی۔ بے قدری۔ بے عزتی۔ خفت۔ مذمت۔ ذلت۔ خواری۔ اپ کیرتی۔ سبکی
1137    calefaction (Noun)
گرمی ۔ حرارت ۔ جوش ۔ تپش
1138    beneficence (Noun)
دین ۔ اُپکار ۔ کرم
1139    variegation (Noun)
رنگ برنگی۔ بوقلمونی۔ پچ رنگی
1140    watering-place (Noun)
Chickpeas are "qabeli channay"
meaning of ASAD
Dear Mr. Rehman,
Assalam O Alaikum,
ASAD is an Arabic word, which means THE LION. In urdu (BABBAR SHAIR).
Hope it is clear.
Keep Smiling.
whole the world!
Can one tell me true meanings of smiling?
Thanking in advance.
Aslaamsmiling means
smiling means muskarana
hope this helps
plz give me the relal meaning of the word
ur site is very good i am use this site first time my friend ask me to visit this one thanks o but dont forget my question that meaning of my name becaz every time when i start any type of work there is some problem to there my stat is aquris. so plz send me the mail for that i am doing some good work or plz pray to me
thank you kabir khan
thank you kabir khan
The meaning of asad
please send me the meaning of asad
I want ask the meaning of this AL-Hadith.Abu dawood
when a man tells you something in confidance,you must not betray his trust.
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Asad in an arabic word meaning Lion