Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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641    diaphragm (Noun)
    1. a dividing membrane
سوراخ دار پردہ
    2. (Anat.)
عضلہ جو نرخرے اور پیڑو کے بیچ میں ہے۔ پردہٴ شکم
    3. (Opt.)
نجومیوں کا ایک حلقہ نما آلہ
642    bluestocking (Noun)
پنڈتائن ۔ عالم عورت ۔ علامہ
643    sempster (Noun)
درزی۔ خیاط۔ رفوگر۔ سوجی۔
644    cross (verb active)
    1. to put across
آڑا یا ترچھا ڈالنا
    to cross swords
ہاتھ ملانا
    2. draw a line across
کاٹنا۔ قلم پھیرنا۔ قلم کھینچنا
    You do not cross your t's.
تم اپنے ٹی نہیں کاٹتے
    3. strike out
کاٹنا۔ چھیکنا۔ قلم کھینچنا یا پھیرنا۔ لکیر کھینچنا
    4. make the sign of the cross upon
صلیب کا نشان بنانا۔ ستیا کاڑھنا
    5. pass over
پار جانا۔ اُترنا۔اُلانگنا۔ لانگھنا۔ عبور کرنا
    to cross a river
دریا پار جانا۔ پایاب اُترنا
    6. cause to interbreed
دونسلا کرنا۔ دوغلا کرنا۔ جام ملانا۔ نسل ملانا۔ پیوند دینا
    7. thewart
آڑ کرنا۔ خلاف کرنا۔ کاٹنا۔ چھیکنا۔ توڑ کرنا۔ برتھا کرنا۔ اکارت کرنا۔ مزاحمت کرنا۔ مانع ہونا
    In each thing give him way
    Cross him in nothing.
    (Shakespeare 'Antony and Cleopatra', i. 3)
ہر ایک بات اس کی مانو، کوئی اس کی بات مت کاٹو
    cross question
سوال در سوال کرنا۔ سوالات جرح کرنا۔ چھاننا۔ چھان بین کرنا۔ ہیر پھیر کے پوچھنا
    cross questions
اُلٹ پھیر کے سوال۔ سوال در سوال۔ سوالات جرح
    cross questions and crooked answers
جرح کے سوال اور ٹیڑھے جواب
645    ointment (Noun)
لیپ۔ مرہم۔ ضماد
646    cursorily (adverb)
جلدی سے۔ سراسری۔ سرسری۔ چلتے چلتے۔ رواروی
647    misgovernment (Noun)
بدعملی۔ کراج۔ بدانتظامی
648    uncultivated (adjective)
غیر آباد۔ غیر مزروعہ۔ بلا تردد۔ افتادہ۔ پڑتی
ناشائستہ۔ بے تربیت۔ ناتراشیدہ۔ غیر مہذب۔ وحشی
649    irreducible (adjective)
گھٹنے کے ناقابل۔ ناقابل تحویل۔ غیر تحویل پذیر۔ غیر تخفیف پذیر۔ ناقابل تخفیف
650    debris (Noun)
    1. fragments
ریزے۔ چور۔ چورا
    2. rubbish
ملبہ۔ چھاٹن چھوٹن۔ اینٹ روڑا



Walaikum Salam
Its pleasing to know some one querying the definition. It'll be better, if you could introduce yourself. I'll be thankful.

Thanks for your interest. I am a person who is trying to understand this religion in a way that appeals to reason instead of blind faith. I was just curious because I have been trying to find out and there does not seem to be a simple yet comprehensive definition which stands to reason as well as defining the gist of Islam.

Quote :
"I have found it necessary to deny knowledge in order to provide room for faith" - Immanuel Kant (22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804); A German philosopher from Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) in East Prussia.

To begin with, I would like to say that the above statement of Immanuel Kant stands true in context with all religions except Islam.

You will see that in general, faith is blind where as in Islam you will find that knowledge is faith and faith is knowledge.

The definition of Islam is multi-layered and deep. It can be defined at various stages of reason and in various meanings. For instance, you cannot define Islam as surrender to the will of Allah; to a person who doesn't believe in Allah at all. You cannot define Islam as the way to God; to a person who doesn't believe in God a.k.a atheist. Although both above definitions are not incorrect. To quench reason, volumes can be written on proof of existence of God and proof of the God being none other than Allah. And the same can be understood just by observing the highly synchronized and best designed system of Nature that there is no conflict between any two laws of nature implying that all the laws are set by one law-giver. Every object in the universes points towards being created under one design scheme and at that point
the essence of Islam is unity of God "tawhiid". Once you believe that there is a creator and he is one, you will start looking for his instructions just as you would look for instruction-set for a home appliance given by the manufacturer. At that level, you will find Islamic law to be complete and in accordance with the laws of nature as the law-giver for both is one.

Now, the technical definition of the word 'Islam' is acceptance; and it is human nature to accept something only after a profound confirmation. It is human nature to attain certainty after confirmation.

Thus a general definition of Islam is as simple as:

-" Islam is acceptance of the confirmed in its certainty "-

Sayyid Irfan Hussayn Naqvi (urf Zohaer).

Thanks for your interest. I am a person who is trying to understand this religion in a way that appeals to reason instead of blind faith. I was just curious because I have been trying to find out and there does not seem to be a simple yet comprehensive definition which stands to reason as well as defining the gist of Islam.

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can anyone tell the english of these two urdu words."dadeal...and naneal

dadhiaal: Paternal relatives.(e.g., Like paternal aunt)
Nanhiaal: Maternal relatives. (e.g., Like maternal aunt)

All Brothers and sisters are requested please tell me the meanings of these two names
اریضہ and اریز

Thanks in advance
Shama Farooqi

Areeza mean to give application ( Durkhwast daina )

Nazim Butt

That is عريض not اريز
