Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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911    inveigh (verb active)
نندا، ہجو، مذمت یا طعن کرنا۔ برا کہنا۔ پھٹکارنا
912    unquenchable (adjective)
ناقابل اندفاع۔ جو بجھ نہ سکے
913    taker (Noun)
گرفتار کرنے والا۔ لینے والا ۔ تسخیر کرنے والا
914    pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical (adjective)
دواسازی کے متعلق
915    immix (verb active)
ملانا۔ آمیز کرنا
916    engrain (verb active)
گہرا رنگ چڑھانا یا دینا
917    denticulate, denticulated (adjective)
دندانے دار
    see dentate
918    key-stone (Noun)
محراب کے بیچ کا پتھر یا ڈاٹ۔ مرکز خیالات
919    squeezable (adjective)
دبنے کی صلاحیت رکھنے والا۔ دباؤ پزیر۔
920    seam (Noun)
سیون۔ سلائی۔ (بخیہ۔ ٹانکا)
    2. the line of union of two boards
درز۔ دراڑ۔ شگاف۔ لکیر۔ چیر۔
    3. (Goel.)
پرت۔ تہ
    4. tallow
سؤر کی چربی



assalmoalakum ,thnx areeb.for telling me a meaning....ALLAH HAFIZ

Can somebody also tell me the meaning of Ariana - again from Farsi


In Urdu عریان means naked and آریایی means Aryan. Those are the closest words for it. Also, ذیشان means dignified and علی means high like علی شاں for magnificent. I don't believe the others come from Arabic either, so you might want to check for non-Islamic names.

Can somebody help me with the meaning and origins of the following names -
1) Aliana - think its a Farsi name.
2) Zeeshan -
3) Arhan


There is a good Urdu History site I found I thought I should share:

Please Donate with open hearts for the victms of Earthquake!
Your little contribution can save precious lives

Please Donate with open hearts for the victms of Earthquake!
Your little contribution can save precious lives

Can someone translate this into Urdu for me please? It's for notices at school. Thanks Anne Marie
