Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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571    alas ()
ہائے ۔ ہائے ۔ آہ ۔ وائے ۔ افسوس ۔ حیف
572    temperature (Noun)
گرمی اور سردی کی کیفیت یا درجہ۔ درجہٴ حرارت۔ حرارت
573    dolt (verb)
شان کھونا۔ وقعت ضائع کرنا
574    application for aid
استدعا ۔ استمداد ۔ استعانت
575    urine (Noun)
پیشاب۔ موت۔ بول۔ موتر
576    outvalue (verb active)
قیمت میں زیادہ ہونا
577    carabineer (Noun)
قرابین والا سپاہی
578    strappado (Noun)
فوجی سزا جس میس لٹھے پر ڈال دیتے ہیں۔ تا کہ ہاتھ پاؤں ٹوٹ جائیں۔
579    shark (verb active)
    1. swindle
ٹھگنا۔ دزدی کرنا۔ فریب دینا۔ شکار کرنا۔
    2. lives by shifts and stratagems
مکرو فریب یا تیر تکوں پر گزارنا کرنا۔
580    disposition (Noun)
    1. the act
انتقال۔ برتاؤ۔ بخشش۔ علیحدگی
    disposition of property
انتقال جائداد
    2. the state
سجاوٹ۔ بناوٹ۔ آراستگی۔ ساخت۔ درستی۔ ترتیب۔ باقاعدگی۔ بندوسبت
    3. propensity
میلان۔ چاہ۔ خواہش۔ رغبت۔ رچی۔ شوق۔ میل۔ التفات
    4. moral character
مزاج۔ عادت۔ بان۔ خصلت۔ خاصیت۔ سیرت۔ خو۔ سرشت۔ خلق۔ طبیعت
    natural disposition
ذاتی یا جبلی خاصیت یا عادت
Meaning of "Kadin" and urdu spellings
We are expected parents and found a name "Kadin". As per various websites we were told that "Kadin" is an arabic name and it's mean a friend.
As per"Kadin Gender: Male Meaning: Friend. confidant."
We never heard this name before and I have no idea how it is written in Urdu or Arabic. Please let me know if anyone knows how to write this name in Urdu and what is the origion of this name or word.
the Meaning of Kadin
If you were to spell the name in urdu it would be: ﻛﺎﺩﻥ unless its pronounced kaa-deen, then it would be: ﻛﺎﺩﻳﻥ.
I have been studying arabic for a few years and have never come across the term Kadin before. In classical arabic the primary root for friend/confidant is w-l-y, such as wali/awliya etc and in modern-standard, its s-d-q, such as saddiq/asdiqa' etc. Although it could most certainly be an arabic word, the root k-d-n doesn't strike me as arabic sounding at first sight, but I could be wrong.
It would still be plausible that the word does exist in the language since there are several less-widely used words with slight nuanced meanings in arabic -- you could look it up in any arabic dictionary under the roots k-d-n. The one thing that makes it seem that it could be an arabic word is the vowels "a"-"i" which follows the common arabic noun-pattern for doer "Fa'il" -- and many names have this vowel-pattern such as Fazil, Rashid, Majid, Aadil, Qadir etc. However if the name is pronounced: kah-deen, or kuh-din then its not following any arabic pattern.
I should add though, that the word initially caught my eye because, although I've never seen it used in Arabic/Urdu/Farsi -- I have seen it used quite often in Turkish -- it means 'woman' and is spelt - Kadın, but I'm not sure if its the same term.
ریاضی اصطلاحات
اردو کی تمام آن لائن لغات میں ریاضی کی اصطلاحات مشکل سے ہی ملتی ہیں۔ میری تجویز ہے کہ ریاضی کی اصطلاحات کے لیے علیحدہ سے کوشش کی جائے۔ مثال کے طور پر کچھ اصطلاحات جن کا ترجمہ درکار ہے: modulo, congruences
Maths Terminology
CONGRUENT shapes are "two oe more shapes of the same size". In urdu it would be متماثل. Hence congruence could be مماثلت. Anyone would like to throw some light?
Maths Terminology
There are some common terms being used in Urdu. These are
Triangle مثلث
Square مربع
Square root جذر
Right angle قاءمھ زاویھ
Tangent مماس
There are many more being used these days in Pakistan. I'll post them a bit later.
I'm looking for equivelant Urdu word for GLOBALIZATION. My friend suggested عالمگیریت ، in my opinion it could be true for GLOBALISM. Any help would be appreciated.
From Mrs.Juanit Doton
From Mrs.Juanit Doton
Dear Friend,
I am Mrs.Juanit Doton a widow, the wife of Late Mr. Jose Doton the secretary general of the Pangasinan chapter of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan party killed on the may 16,2006 by Philippines government, I would like to have a long lasting and confidant relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life time fortune into your possession,as now I am broken hearted and needs someone to trust,without remembering my past and forsaken experiences from close confidants and family. I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time partner, after making claim of my deposit.
My late husband was a top politicians heads of several top offices in the government of Philippines. After the death of my husband his brothers conspired with some top officials in the government and confiscated all my Late husband's properties and left me with nothing, I have two kid's living with me,things have been very urgly for me and my children's after the death of my Late husband.
Well, from your profile, I believe in me that you ought to be a very honest person. Pls all I wanted from you is to assist me make claims of some funds which my Late husband did deposited with a Diplomatic Agency,as the other deposits documents have been consficated and seized by my Late husband's brother's, but this one is the only one they could not see,as I did kept the documents with one of my close confidant. The Amount being deposited is much about 14.2 million Euros,this was the money that was supposed to be used by my Late husband to aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa, fortunately,they killed him.
I need your help to secure the money from the Diplomatic Agency through diplomatic shipment arrangement,and after the fund have been secured, both of us will sign an agreement of joint investment company in your country for the future of both families, the 10% of the total money will be giving to you for your assistance.
All, I want from you, now is honesty and sincerity, as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way out of Philippines and travel down to meet you with my children's, So we can go into a life time partnership together,in investing this money in your country and anywhere else you prefer and for the continuation of my children's education which was disrupted after the death of my Late husband.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Mrs.Juanit Doton
From Mrs.Juanit Doton
From Mrs.Juanit Doton
Dear Friend,
I am Mrs.Juanit Doton a widow, the wife of Late Mr. Jose Doton the secretary general of the Pangasinan chapter of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan party killed on the may 16,2006 by Philippines government, I would like to have a long lasting and confidant relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life time fortune into your possession,as now I am broken hearted and needs someone to trust,without remembering my past and forsaken experiences from close confidants and family. I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time partner, after making claim of my deposit.
My late husband was a top politicians heads of several top offices in the government of Philippines. After the death of my husband his brothers conspired with some top officials in the government and confiscated all my Late husband's properties and left me with nothing, I have two kid's living with me,things have been very urgly for me and my children's after the death of my Late husband.
Well, from your profile, I believe in me that you ought to be a very honest person. Pls all I wanted from you is to assist me make claims of some funds which my Late husband did deposited with a Diplomatic Agency,as the other deposits documents have been consficated and seized by my Late husband's brother's, but this one is the only one they could not see,as I did kept the documents with one of my close confidant. The Amount being deposited is much about 14.2 million Euros,this was the money that was supposed to be used by my Late husband to aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa, fortunately,they killed him.
I need your help to secure the money from the Diplomatic Agency through diplomatic shipment arrangement,and after the fund have been secured, both of us will sign an agreement of joint investment company in your country for the future of both families, the 10% of the total money will be giving to you for your assistance.
All, I want from you, now is honesty and sincerity, as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way out of Philippines and travel down to meet you with my children's, So we can go into a life time partnership together,in investing this money in your country and anywhere else you prefer and for the continuation of my children's education which was disrupted after the death of my Late husband.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Mrs.Juanit Doton
میں موافق ہوں, اکثریت اوقات برای ریاضی اصطلاحاتِ انگلیزی استعمال کی جاتی ہے. بہتر ہے, لیکن, کے ہم اردو اصطلاحات استفادہ کریں. میں خود ذیلاً استعمال کرتا ہوں:
Addition- افزایش یا اضافہ (دو اضافہ چہار)إ
Subtraction- تفریق یا منہا (مثلاً- چہار منہا یا کمتر دو) إ
دیگر انش اللہ بعداً ترسیل کروںگا کیوں کہ حالا وقت کم ہے. یا اگر یک دیگر برادر یا خواہر عزیز مدد کرنے کہ قابل ہوں تو خوب ہے!!إ
خدا حافظ!
From Mrs.Juanit Doton
From Mrs.Juanit Doton
Dear Friend,
I am Mrs.Juanit Doton a widow, the wife of Late Mr. Jose Doton the secretary general of the Pangasinan chapter of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan party killed on the may 16,2006 by Philippines government, I would like to have a long lasting and confidant relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life time fortune into your possession,as now I am broken hearted and needs someone to trust,without remembering my past and forsaken experiences from close confidants and family. I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time partner, after making claim of my deposit.
My late husband was a top politicians heads of several top offices in the government of Philippines. After the death of my husband his brothers conspired with some top officials in the government and confiscated all my Late husband's properties and left me with nothing, I have two kid's living with me,things have been very urgly for me and my children's after the death of my Late husband.
Well, from your profile, I believe in me that you ought to be a very honest person. Pls all I wanted from you is to assist me make claims of some funds which my Late husband did deposited with a Diplomatic Agency,as the other deposits documents have been consficated and seized by my Late husband's brother's, but this one is the only one they could not see,as I did kept the documents with one of my close confidant. The Amount being deposited is much about 14.2 million Euros,this was the money that was supposed to be used by my Late husband to aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa, fortunately,they killed him.
I need your help to secure the money from the Diplomatic Agency through diplomatic shipment arrangement,and after the fund have been secured, both of us will sign an agreement of joint investment company in your country for the future of both families, the 10% of the total money will be giving to you for your assistance.
All, I want from you, now is honesty and sincerity, as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way out of Philippines and travel down to meet you with my children's, So we can go into a life time partnership together,in investing this money in your country and anywhere else you prefer and for the continuation of my children's education which was disrupted after the death of my Late husband.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Mrs.Juanit Doton
Ref: Riazi Islahat
If you could write your suggestions in english I think you will open a window for a large number of participants to contribute to your idea.