Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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601    soak (verb active)
    1. steep
بھگونا۔ ترکرنا۔
    2. drench
ڈوب دینا۔ غوطہ دینا۔ ڈبونا۔
    3. draw in by the pores
جذب کرنا۔ پینا۔ سوکھنا۔ چوسنا۔
602    thunderous (adjective)
گرج دار۔ کڑک دار
603    enkindle (verb active)
    1. to set on fire
پھونکنا۔ جلانا۔ سلگانا۔ بالنا۔ جگانا۔ آگ لگانا۔ آگ بھڑکانا
    2. excite
بھڑکانا۔ اکسانا۔ برانگیختہ کرنا۔ اشتعال دینا۔ باڑ پر چڑھانا
604    homogeneous, homogeneal (adjective)
موافق۔ ایک ساں۔ ہم جنس۔ ایک جاتی۔ ہم نوع۔ ہم قسم۔ متجانس۔ یک رنگ۔ یکساں
605    family (Noun)
    1. household
کٹمب۔ کنبہ۔ ٹابر۔ لڑکے بالے۔ جورو بچے۔ بال بچے۔ قبیلہ۔ گھر بار۔ اہل و عیال۔ آل و اطفال۔ بیوی بچے۔ گھر کے لوگ
    2. kindred
بھائی بند۔ سگے سودرے۔ رشتے دار۔ اقربا۔ ناتے دار۔ اپنے
    3. lineage
گھرانہ۔ خاندان۔ کل۔ بنس۔ نسل۔ گوت۔ شجرہ۔ کرسی نامہ۔ پیڑھی بنساؤلی۔ خانوادہ
    4. honourable descent
اچھا گھرانا۔ عالی خاندان۔ معزز خاندان۔ اتم کل۔ بڑا گھر
    5. a group of kindred individuals
فرقہ۔ آسرم۔ دودھ۔ قوم۔ جات۔ برادری۔ جنس
    family circle
کٹم قبیلہ
    family fund
خاندان کا امدادی خزانہ
    family likeness
خاندانی مشابہت
    family quarrel
گھر کی لڑائی۔ آپس کی لڑائی۔ خاندانی جھگڑے
    family tie
رشتہٴ یگانگت
    head of a family
مالک خانہ۔ صاحب خانہ۔ بڑا بوڑھا۔ سربراہ خاندان
    in the family way
گربھ سے۔ پیٹ سے۔ حمل سے
    of the same family
سگے سودرے۔ یگانے۔ گوتی۔ ایک جدی
606    candid (adjective)
کھلا ۔ صاف ۔ کھرا ۔ نِس کپٹ ۔ صاف دل ۔ صاف گو ۔ سینہ صاف ۔ صاف باطن ۔ بے لاگ لپیٹ
607    renaissance (Noun)
نشاة ثانیہ۔ علوم و فنون کے احیاء کا زمانہ۔ نہضت علیمہ۔ احیائے علوم۔ نوبیداری۔ چودھیوں سے سولھویں صدی تک، جو یورپ کی جدید ترقیوں کی ابتدا مانا جاتا ہے۔
608    prospectus (Noun)
کتاب وغیرہ کا اشتہار۔ نمونہ۔ مقدمہ۔ کتابچہ۔ کوائف نامہ۔ پراسپکٹس۔
609    squeeze (Noun)
دباؤ۔ نچوڑ۔ افشردہ
610    preconcert (verb active)
منصوبہ کرنا۔ پہلے سے قرارداد کر کے تصفیہ کرنا



Adaab,I would appreciate anyone's help in finding the english equivalent to the word 'Aamil'Thankyou!

it means a person who performs a sprirtual act either negative (a curse) or positive (to dispell a curse)

it means a person who performs a sprirtual act either negative (a curse) or positive (to dispell a curse)

عامل means agent, executive, (skilled worker)

i think it's more along the lines of spiritualist. i need the exact equivalent for a translation i'm doing. thanks for trying though. appreciated!

heh, then why to ask? The exact dicitonary definition of عامل is executive or agent. Spiritualist wouldn't come close to the meaning. You could however use روحانی for Spiritualist. Perhaps your English spelling of the word doesn't correspond to the way it is written in Urdu script.

you have to understand that language is not a dormant thing, infact it's a constantly evolving entity, many words have varying connotations in their native settings. As far as dictionaries are concerned a,lexicographers are just as human as us & b,most urdu+english dictionaries are far too outdated to be of any real use just to give you a common example 'gay' still means 'happy' in many of these. I meant 'Aamil' as in people who claim to be in contact with & have control over supernatural beings and give out amulets which are supposedly meant to solve your problems. The word 'executive' brings to mind an image of a person in an administrative position. Agent on the otherhand would probably mean an estate ageng to an english speaking person. As a professional interpreter+translator i've been trained not to accept the first explanation i come across when faced with an unfamiliar term or a transltion which i'm not absolutely happy with just because it's easy & to research in depth until i'm completely satisfied in other words strive for perfection!!!. I hope that has answered your question of, "Then why to ask?"!!!

The word Amil comes into the urdu language from Arabic, and follows the weight of Fa'il from fa'ala. So Amil from a'mala. Amal means work or action, therefore in Arabic Amil (or whts transliterated by Arabs as 3amil with the 3 meaning ayn), means doer, executer etc.
However, when translating from urdu, historical and linguistic overtones need to be kept in mind as urdu hardly ever takes on arabic-words without adding its own subtle nuances in the meaning of the word. Since urdu and arabic are not even the same language family let alone the same language branch, arabic meanings cannot be taken as urdu meanings by default.
The word "aamil" could also therefore be the 'doer' version of the urdu verb "amal-karna" which means to cast a spell, or to infuse with some super-natural power etc. Therefore an Amil can mean, a spiritualist, or more specifically, someone who deals with the super-natural (the english equivalent would be witch-doctor). Certainly, in scholarly, literary and religious circles the word Aamil does not mean witch-doctor but rather simple someone who does-something, a worker, an agent etc -- however in colloquial-urdu and within certain circles of written urdu it also has the secondary meaning of someone who deals with amulets and charms etc.

I found your reply insightful, refreshing and very helpful (not to mention imressive!) It has put my mind at ease thankyou once again for taking the time :)

plz can someone tell me tha meaning of this urdu word"jhakr"
