Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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881    dog's-ear (Noun)
کتاب کے کونوں یا گوشوں کا مڑنا
882    unexpectedly (adverb)
ناگہاں۔ اچانک۔ یکایک۔ غیر مترقب
883    gouge (verb active)
    1. scoop out with a gouge
رکھانی سے کھودنا
    2. force out the eye
آنکھ نکال ڈالنا
884    decipherable (adjective)
تعبیر یا حل کے لائق
885    plot (Noun)
قطعہٴ زمین۔ کھیت۔ تختہٴ زمین۔ قطعہٴ اراضی۔ پلاٹ۔ نقشہ۔ خاکہ
886    expansibility (Noun)
پھیلنے کی قابلیت۔ وسعت پذیری
887    stramineous (adjective)
پولے سا۔ بھوسے سا۔ ہلکا۔ پیال کا۔
888    predilect (verb active)
پسند کرنا۔ پہلے سے چاہنا
889    auction (Noun)
نیلام ۔ لیلام
    auction room or hall
نیلام گھر
    property sold by auction
جائداد نیلام شدہ
    to be sold by auction
نیلام میں بکنا ۔ نیلام ہونا
890    misunderstand (verb active)
غلط سمجھنا۔ کچھ کا کچھ سمجھنا



thnx any way,
nice to met u dear areeb

HI,CAN anyone translate me the meaning of this urdu word in english.(TODAE)..ITS JUST LIKE A HEAVY AND BIG STONES...

Hi Mary,
TODAE or TUDA in urdu, = A MOUND, A HEAP

asalamoalakum.areeb can utell me the meaning of ""nazar lag jana"" i shall be very thankful to u

AOA Mary, in urdu if some says "MUJHE US KI NAZAR LAG GAEE" he means to say, "HIS EYES CAST ON ME"
rest what MASTER FAHAD says is correct, in addition, I'ld say, thouhg it is true that it means an evil eyes, jealous eyes or witch eye, but sometime, when anyone look on his/her beloved (could be any one, a friend, a son a doughter or anyone) and says, OH DEAR YOU ARE LOOKING SO GORGEOUS / BEUTIFUL, GOD BLESS YOU, IF MY EYS CAST ON YOU"
this also an example of "NAZAR LAG JANA"
hope you understand,
with regards,

assalam oalakum.thank u so much ..for teling.. u r really efficient..thnx once again..may u bloom like flowers and may Allah shower his countless bounties on u.ALLAH HAFIZ

Assalam o Alaikum, WELCOME AND THANKS for comments,

It is an Islamic concept, the words نظر or عین refer to the evil eye. The phrase is: to be afflicted by the evil eye. The final Prophet of God advised us to recite the last two surahs in the Quran in asking from Allah protection against it.

Hi Mary,
TODAE or TUDA in urdu, = A MOUND, A HEAP

Here is the translation to Urdu for what you said, You may have meant Today for that first word?
آ(امروز) یکساں ہے مثلِ کبیر و سنگین سنگ
