Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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1221    ceremonial (adjective)
سشٹا چاری ۔ رسمی
    Christ did take away that external ceremonial worship that was among the Jews. (B. Stillingfleet)
عیسیٰ مسیح نے یہودیوں کی دکھاوے کی پوجا پاٹ اُٹھا دی۔
1222    convince (verb active)
منوانا ۔ قائل کرنا ۔ قائل معقول کرنا ۔ دل نشین کرنا ۔ نشچئے کرانا ۔ یقین دلانا
1223    slip-board (Noun)
سرکنا تختہ۔
1224    appear (Noun)
    1. be visible
سوجھنا ۔ دکھائی دینا ۔ آنکھوں کے سامنے آنا ۔ نظر آنا ۔ نگاہ میں آنا ۔ دکھنا
    And God said, Let the dry land appear. (Bib)
خدا نے فرمایا خشک زمین نکلے
    2. stand or come in the presence of a superior
حاضر ہونا ۔ کھڑا ہونا ۔ سامنے یا آگے آنا ۔ پیش ہونا
    to appear in court
کچہری میں حاضر ہونا
    3. be manifest
اُگھڑنا ۔ پرگھٹ ہونا ۔ کھل جانا ۔ ظاہر ہونا ۔ عیاں ہونا ۔ آشکارا ہونا ۔ نمایاں ہونا ۔ ہویدا ہونا ۔ واضح ہونا
    It doth not yet appear what we shall be.
نہیں معلوم ہم کیا ہوں گے
    4. seem
دکھائی دینا ۔ معلوم ہونا
    He appears to be a good man.
وہ بھلا آدمی معلوم ہوتا ہے
1225    sudatory (Noun)
حمام۔ گرم مکان۔
1226    diplomatic, diplomatical (adjective)
    1. privileged
مستحق۔ سندی۔ سند لیاقت کے متعلق۔ سفارت کے متعلق
    2. pertaining to diplomatics
معاملہ فہمی کے متعلق
1227    dial (Noun)
    1. an instrument for showing the time of day
دھوپ گھڑی۔ شیشہٴ ساعت
    2. face of a time piece
گھنٹے کی چینی۔ گھنٹے کا منہ۔ گھڑی کا ڈائل
1228    illiteracy (Noun)
مورکھتائی۔ جہل۔ جہالت۔ ناخواندگی
1229    multangular (adjective)
1230    journalism (Noun)
صحافت۔ اخبار نویسی۔
Comments & Suggestions
This good...but I am having problems while connecting to this site. And sometimes this fails to open. My PC slows down and sometimes stucks. Whenever it is always very very slow... I dont know what to do...:(
Secondly, its difficult to find out the meaning of a phrase like "happy go lucky"...I found the meaning here but there are some other phrases for which I am unable to find the meanings. This should be looked into...
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making urdu- english dictionary
dear sir,
how can I make urdu to english dictionary, please advise me the required methods for it.
best regards
sher hussain
Rahu machhli ko angrezi mein kiya kehtay hein...
Rohu machli ka scientific nam
Rohu machli ka scientific name hai Labeo rohita (L)
Rahoo,There is no Rahoo on
There is no Rahoo on the small Island called england so, there is no word for Rahoo. And delicious Rahoo remains Rahoo for the world.
Plz help me understand this
I'll be thankful if anyone helps me understand the meaning of this one from Jagjit Singh's famous ghazal from Encore album:
"Mujh ko kadam kadam pe bhatakne do aaizoo,
tum apna kaarobar karo, mein nashe mein huun."
I dont understand meaning of "aaizoo" (or it should be "aayezo")
Let me know soon.
Thanks in advance.
aaizoo clarified
The actual word is 'Waaizo'. 'Waaiz' means religious preacher, the one who gives religious sermons i.e (the doer of Waaz). 'Waaizo', by now should be clear is just like while addressing a group of similar people, we add an 'o' at the end in urdu/hindi. For example, 'mere dosto, yaro, logo ...'. So the poet is addressing the preachers at large not to interfere with his affairs, do their job, and let him ramble. I hope it helps. All the best.
-Ahmed Bilal
aaizoo clarified
The actual word is 'Waaizo'. 'Waaiz' means religious preacher, the one who gives religious sermons i.e (the doer of Waaz). 'Waaizo', by now should be clear is just like while addressing a group of similar people, we add an 'o' at the end in urdu/hindi. For example, 'mere dosto, yaro, logo ...'. So the poet is addressing the preachers at large not to interfere with his affairs, do their job, and let him ramble. I hope it helps. All the best.
-Ahmed Bilal (
well I think its "Waizoo" tha
well I think its "Waizoo" that comes from "waiz" ( to preach) not "aaizo" that means who preaches to do right things or go to right paths.
So this can ne in english it can be Preacher
I think this world is a written mistake. It should be azizoo (dears, relatives, friends etc).