Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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381    tonic (Noun)
طاقت بخش دوا۔ پشٹائی
382    unseen (adjective)
بن دیکھا۔ نا دیدہ۔ ان دیکھا۔ غیر مرئی
383    spree (Noun)
رنگ رس۔ مے نوشی۔ ہنسی مذاق۔ رنگ رلیاں۔ عیش ونشاط۔
384    harrateen (Noun)
ایک قسم کا کپڑا
385    anonyma (Noun)
قحبہ ۔ خام پارہ ۔ کتیا
386    top-sawyer (Noun)
استاد۔ بانی کار
387    balustrade (Noun)
کٹہرا ۔ باڑ ۔ جنگلا
388    grapple (Noun)
    close hug in contest
گتھم گتھا۔ مٹھ بھیڑ۔ ہاتھا پائی
    2. (Naut.)
کنڈا۔ آنکڑا۔ کانٹا۔ کمند
389    home (adjective)
    1. domestic
دیسی۔ ولایتی۔ ملکی۔ وطنی
    2. severe
سخت۔ کارگر۔ کاری
390    craftiness (Noun)
چالاکی۔ عیاری۔ دغا بازی۔ روباہ بازی۔ فریب دہی۔ دغل فصل۔ حرفت
who can i see meaning of english word
thank,s for give me a new password, Is a good "DICTIONARY" i love to log in, PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
waleed ali sethi
Urdu meaning
can anybody tell me the meaning of "Sore Throat" please.
Please translate
Can any one translate in english "hadi zaman"or "zamany ka rehber.
can any one tell me where is urdu chat room now
New chat room will be added
New chat room will be added soon...
means of Aslam
Can an body tell me the meanings of ASLAM
meaning of Aslam
Aslam is Arabic Verb: means Safer, more free, sounder, healtier.
can u tell me the meaning of Ebba
Asalamualaikum Could any body tell me the meaning of Islamic name "Ebba"
meaning of eba (ebba):
meaning of eba (ebba): if this is arbic word عبا it means a kind of "frock" normally used by muslim women for hijab purpose that covers only the lower part of the body or used on sholder to cover the front part of the body. it may be called
"jubbah" also.
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