Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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431    blueblood (adjective)
عالی نسبی
432    then (adjective)
اس وقت کا
433    economics (Noun)
گرہستی پنا۔ کفایت شعاری۔ اوت۔ علم خانہ داری۔ اقتصادیات۔ معاشیات
    2. political economy
علم تدبیر۔ علم سیاست المدن
434    untechnical (adjective)
غیر فنی۔ غیر اصطلاحی۔ غیر صنعتی
435    self-applause (Noun)
خودستائی۔ خودفروشی
436    toyishness (Noun)
کھلاڑی پن۔ شوخی۔ چوچلا پن
437    feverishness (Noun)
جلن۔ گرمی۔ سوزش۔ بخار کی سی حالت
438    nautilus (Noun)
ایک قسم کی سمندری سیپ والی مچھلی
439    wire-draw (verb active)
تار کھینچنا۔ تار کشی کرنا
لمبا کرنا۔ بڑھانا۔ کھینچنا۔ تاننا
440    turgescence, turgescency (Noun)
سوجن۔ آماس۔ ورم
مبالغہ۔ نمائش۔ دکھاوا



Shopping Mall can be translated as "Kharidari Markaz"

And Telephone is translated as "Door Go"

Hard work never goes un-reward

Please tell me the meaning of "PINDAR" id someone knows.


Pindar can mean imagination, thought, pride or arrogance.


is yurf an ordu word? if so, what's the meaning

Could any body tell me the meaning of islamic name "Abeeha". also tell me how to write in urdu.

Abeeha means "her father"... the complete name is OMME ABEEHA that means "MOTHER OF HER FATHER" that is a given name from Rasoolollah(Salavatollah alaih) to her Daughter Hazrat Fatima(Salamollah alaiha)

I need to send you a new I-20. This one won't work anymore, Jamal. I will try to send it soon. It will go out during this week sometime. Tomorrow is our Independence Day so I won't be working. I will be working all of next week as well as Thursday and Friday this week. Patti
