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811    derogation (Noun)
گھٹاؤ۔ اتار۔ مان ہان۔ مان کھنڈن۔ اپمان۔ بے وقری۔ بے قدری۔ تحقیر۔ مذمت۔ تہتک
812    purblind (adjective)
چندھا۔ جس کو بہت پاس سے دکھائی دے۔ تار چشم۔ نیم کور۔ بے حس۔ بےوقوف۔ تنگ نظر۔
813    stylish (adjective)
بناٹھنا۔ باوضع۔ وضع دار۔ شاندار۔
814    rotter (Noun)
نکما۔ ناکارہ۔ نالائق۔ نامعقول آدمی۔
815    rationalize (verb)
عقلی یا استدلالی بنانا۔ عقلیت کا رنگ چڑھانا
816    game-leg (Noun)
817    condiment (Noun)
مصالحہ ۔ چاشنی ۔ چاٹ ۔ چھونک ۔ بھگار
سواد ۔ مزہ ۔ ذائقہ
818    ruddiness (Noun)
سرخی۔ لالی۔ حمرت۔ ارنتا۔
819    twitter (Noun)
چوں چوں۔ چہچے
پھڑک۔ بھڑک
820    sparry (adjective)



Bisma actually came from The Holy Qurran "surrah alaq, aamah parah" 1st aayat. The meaning of this word " START TO THE NAME OF GOD" MEANS " SHUROOH AALAH KA NAAM SA".

bisma ka matlab hai smile.
naam bismillah se ibtidaa hai meri
sadaa khush raho tum yeh dua hai meri.

I dont find any name BISMA,
there is BASMA, BASIMA, =female=arabic= meaning, A smile,
Note :- In Hindus, in Mahabharata, there was a king name King Santanu, the widowed king of the Bharata, was the father of Crown prince Dewabrata who (Dewabrata) also known as Bisma. The prince was a great warrior and loved by all

Sehrish : Mehsoor kun, jado bhari (from SEHR, Jado)
Sahrish : The Sunrise. (from Sahar, subha)

dear bro atta. salaam. would u plz like to tell the meanings of ur pushtu poetry at the end of ur message. m really anxious to know

Please can you tell me the meanings of Rasheed & Rashid, If there is any diference in meanings please explain.

Rashad means wisdom...
Rashida mean intelligence...
yeh meaning internet say talash kieay hain hum nai

Khuda Hafiz

Rashad means wisdom...
Rashida mean intelligence...
yeh meaning internet say talash kieay hain hum nai

Khuda Hafiz

Rashad means wisdom...
Rashida mean intelligence...
yeh meaning internet say talash kieay hain hum nai

Khuda Hafiz

Rashad means wisdom...
Rashida mean intelligence...
yeh meaning internet say talash kieay hain hum nai

Khuda Hafiz
