Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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831    thunder-clap (Noun)
گرج۔ کڑک۔ تڑپ۔ رعد۔ بجلی کا کڑکا
832    inconnection (Noun)
بے ربطی۔ جدائی۔ علیحدگی
833    robust (adjective)
    1. vigorous
موٹا تازہ آدمی۔ فرمہ اندام۔ قوی ہیکل۔ ہٹا کٹا۔ زورآور۔ قوی۔ شہزور۔ بلی۔ روئیں تن۔
    2. violent
سخت۔ تند۔ تیز۔
834    tachypphemia (Noun)
تیز کلامی
835    quality (Noun)
    1. character
خاصیت۔ سیرت۔ وصف۔ صفت۔ خصلت۔ خو۔ عادت۔ لکشن۔ خوبی۔
    2. assumed rank
کیفیت۔ حال۔ گت۔ دشا۔ شکل۔ رنگ۔ خاصہ۔ ڈھنگ۔ نوعیت۔ صنف۔ ماہیت۔
    3. attribute
گن۔ خاصہ۔دھرم۔ سبھاؤ۔ طبیعت۔ مزاج۔ جوہر۔ سرشت۔
    4. acquisition
لیاقت۔ قابلیت۔
    5. high rank
درجہ۔ رتبہ۔ پایہ۔ منزلت۔ پدوی۔ شرافت۔ نجابت۔ معیار۔
    He had all the men od quaility his sworn enemies.
سب عزت دار آدمی اس کے جانی دشمن تھے۔
836    flirt (verb active)
    1. throw with a jerk
اچھالنا۔ ڈالنا۔ پھینکنا
    2. toss about
ہلانا۔ جھلانا۔ ادھر ادھر پھینکنا
837    wire-bridge (Noun)
تار کا پل
838    town (Noun)
قصبہ۔ بلدہ۔ شہر۔ فصیل دار شہر یا قصبہ۔ نگری
باشندگان قصبہ۔ آبادی
دارالخلافہ۔ راج دھانی
839    sideling (adjective)
ڈھلواں۔ ڈھال دار۔ (کج)
840    overwatch (verb active)
نگہبانی سے تھکا مارنا۔ حد سے زیادہ نگرانی کرنا



assalam oalakum can someone tell me the meaning of anoushay?is this muslim name.ALLAH HAFIZ

i m adnan.. hello friend tell me meaning of name (ROKSANA)
My friends said to me wut is meaning of Roksana.. TELL ME plz

That name, Rukhsana, was the name of Alexander the conqueror's wife Roxanne. A princess from Bactria (old Persia before Islam). It is said to mean 'beautiful' in some places. رخ is face in urdu/persian.

What is the meaning of "wasin" or "waseen". Can someone tell me please.

can any tell me the meanings of scenario

scenario means = Khaaka
= Misaal
= aik drama sa
aur Areeb nay bhi aap ko meaning bata dee hai umeed kartay hein aap ko samajh aagayee ho gee,,,


Chaata guloona shi ghutay chaa ta ghutay guloona
Khpal khpal naseeb day gani mong da cha na kam kho na u

An outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work.

Ab ek aur sawal humare taraf se, actually sirf sawal nahi mushwara bhi hai. Please can you guys let me know your thoughts and opinions regarding the two names below, i'll be very interested by your views:
- Riya
- Aman


Aman = Female = Peace.
1. Riya (hindi) = A singer
2. Reyah = Comfort
2. Riya = there is one term in Quran called RIYA (OSTENTATION)
making display, falsley make onself appear to be virtuous,
for sake of earining their repect and admiration, or with
the purpose of gaining good reputation among them,
there is one Name AMAAN = Male = The most lovelable
(this is for your information only)
Note :- what do you mean by thougts and openions, I dont recomend these name for anyone, and if you want to know effect of these name, then please tell me what is your mother language and how your write these name.

Meanings of Amaan : Safety, security, immunity, quarter, grace, mercy, protection.
It is a muslim boy name and other name about wich you have asked it's looks like an indian or non-muslim girl's name therefore it's not clear that what did you want. A muslim boy name / a muslim girl name or any thing else. However the name Amaan is a good name
