Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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341    thigh (Noun)
جانگھ۔ ران۔ زانو۔ سانتھل
342    condensate, condense (verb active)
گاڑھا کرنا ۔ بستہ کرنا ۔ جمانا ۔ منجمد کرنا ۔ کثیف کرنا
343    scarlatina, scarlet fever (Noun)
لال بخار۔ (تپ قرمزی)
344    unwontedness (Noun)
ندرت۔ بے رواجی
345    splatter (verb neutor)
چھینٹیں اڑانا۔ چھپ چھپ کرنا۔
346    pen (Noun)
گھیرا۔ کھڑک۔ باڑا۔ احاطہ۔ دڑبا۔ ٹاپا
347    unsatisfied (adjective)
نا خوش۔ ناشاد۔ بے من۔ غیر مطمئن
348    escape (Noun)
    1. the act
فرار۔ گریز۔ بھگی۔ بھاجڑ
    2. (Law)
بچاؤ۔ چھٹکارا۔ رہائی۔ بریت۔ خلاصی۔ نجات۔ عذر۔ حیلہ۔ چارہ
    escape aiding and abetting the above offence
اعانت و ترغیب نسبت فرار مذکورہ کے
    escape from custody or jail of persons charged with, or convicted of, criminal offences
فرار ہونا اشخاص ماخوذ یا مجرم جرم فوجداری کا حراست یا محبس سے
    to make an escape
فرار ہو جانا۔ کافور یا رفو چکر ہونا
349    universality (Noun)
کلیت۔ تعمیم۔ عمومیت
350    lost (adjective)
    1. not to be found
کھویا ہوا۔ گم کردہ
    2. forfeited
ہارا ہوا
    3. parted with
گیا گزرا
    4. wasted
ضائع کیا ہوا۔ برباد کیا ہوا۔ اڑایا ہوا
    Lost time is never found again. (Prov.)
گیا وقت پھر ہاتھ آتا نہیں (مثل)
راہ بھولا ہوا۔ بھٹکتا ہوا۔ گمراہ۔ حیران
    6. ruined
برباد۔ فوت شدہ۔ ضائع۔ تلف۷۔
بےخبر۔ بےاثر
    lost to all sense of honour
عزت کا ذرا خیال نہیں
    8. not visible
غائب ۔ گم شدہ۔ الوپ




Can anyone tell me the transalation of "Atmospheric Disturbance" in urdu. Also the meaning of "Adnan"

shoor kee Aloudegee

Thanks. but after long efforts got to know that the meaning is Fizai Irtiaash.

i wish each and every singe person a very happy new year from the core of my heart who use this site .


What is the meaning of Rubab as a girl name. Is the word is correct or is Rabab tell me please if some one know

rubab is a popular name between Muslim, and its Arabic, but they pronounce it wrongly, the correct pronunciation is Rebab. and this is a girl name in Arabestan and Iran but i didn't hear it between hinidi or Pakistani people,
any way the meaning of rebab is vow,PROMISE or sometimes it means friend.

Asslam laikum aap log duwaon ke mustahaq hain is kaam ke liye , waqai aap ne bahut accha kaam kiya hai, thank you so much , Allah aap logon ko aur aise hi kaam karne ki tawfeeq ata kare, ameen ,

please tell me the meanaing of rafique haider.

hi my name is mahsa and i study Urdu literature so i know whats the meaning of rafique haider.
Rafique means Buddy, Friend or associate .
and Haider has two meanings , one of them means Brave Lion, and we call the person who is as brave as a lion, haider.
and the other meaning is the Title of muslim"s Emam(Leader) Hazrate(HONOR) Ali who is the second Emam for Shi"a and the 4th Emam for Sunni people. and they call him haider becouse He was So brave.
and of course sometimes Muslim use this name for their children, so it can also be boys name.
therefore the meaning of Rafique Haider is the friend of Haider( hazrate Ali or a boy named haider).
