Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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491    minutiae (Noun)
492    ard
    as drunkard
شرابی (شراب پینے والا)
493    abate (Noun)
    1. become less
کمتی ہونا ۔ مندا یا ہلکا پڑنا
    The storm has abated
طوفان مندا پڑگیا
    2. Subside
بیٹھنا ۔ بیٹھ جانا ۔ تھمنا ۔ اترنا ۔ تخفیف ہونا
494    population (Noun)
    1. the act
آبادی۔ بستی۔ بساپت
    2. the people in a country
مردم۔ آدمی۔ باشندے۔ رعایا۔ پرجا۔ جمعیت۔ نفوس
495    self-murder (Noun)
آتم گھات۔ خود کشی۔
496    hempen (adjective)
پٹ سن کا
497    age (Noun)
    1. period
سما ۔ پہرا ۔ جگ ۔ یگ ۔ زمانہ ۔ عصر ۔ عہد ۔ دور
    The iron age
    2. a generation
پیڑھی ۔ پشت ۔ نسل
    3. (period of life)
اوستھا ۔ آربل ۔ باعث ۔ آیو ۔ عمر ۔ سن
    4. century
    old age
بڑھاپا ۔ پیری ۔ ضعیفی
    the age of discretion
سیان اوستھا ۔ سن تمیز ۔ سن بلوغ ۔ بلوغت
    the Augustun age
علمی زمانہ
    the dark ages
تاریکی یا جہالت کا زمانہ
    the golden age
ست جگ
498    associate (verb active)
جوڑنا ۔ ایک ساتھ کرنا ۔ ملانا ۔ شامل کرنا
499    uncircumspect (adjective)
بے احتیاط۔ غیر محتاط
500    dance (Noun)
ناچ۔ مجرا۔ نرت۔ رقص



First of all its Hum Aahangi not Hama Hangi. it means the Compatibility or THINK IN SAME MANNER....Jesay Husband and wife mai zehni hum aahangi hoti hai...

asslmaualikum,bhai asle main ye jumla HAMA HANGI nain belke HAM HANGI
hai jis ka matlab hai dono main mutule hundarstading .I hope i anwserd ur quistion


hi suhail your lucky man

what is the meaning and usage of the word "lisaan"? can you site easy usage examples?

Lisaan means the language or form of language...or the dialact....
for example Pakistan ki lisaani zubaanain hai sindhi, pashto etc...
the person who has command the languages is called Mahir e Lisaaniyaat in urdo.

hi there.
"Lisaan" is an arabic word means " زبان" (Zabaan)
(tongue) called lisaan.
in other ways we also use this word as language
like app konsi zabaan boltay ho?

hi can anyone tell me the meaning of tana bana . its urdu word i need the translation in english . thx

Tana Bana are two words, these are used for threads in textile mills.
Tana is the thread from right to left or left to right and Bana is the thread from up to down or down to up.
While weaving cloth in textile mill Tana and Bana make the cloth.
All cloths are made of Tana and Bana.

I think the tanabana means in english Kniting.. jese jaal buna jata hai.. ya kisi kahani ka plot teyaar karna...
