Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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611    aperture (Noun)
موکھا ۔ جھری ۔ چھید ۔ سوراخ ۔ روزن
612    weeping spring (Noun)
بہتا چشمہ
613    rebel (Noun)
باغی۔ سرکش۔ منحرف۔ متمرد۔ عدول حکم۔ پھرا ہوا
614    agree (Noun)
    1. accord
جوڑ ہونا ۔ ایک رنگ ہونا ۔ یکساں ہونا ۔ ایک ہونا ۔ سازگار ہونا ۔ موافق ہونا ۔ متفق ہونا ۔ جواب ہونا
    2. resemble
ملنا ۔ ایک روپ ہونا ۔ ہم شکل ہونا ۔ مشابہ ہونا ۔ بعینہ ہونا
    They agree like pick-pockets in a fair. (Prov.)
چور کا بھائی گٹھ کٹا
    3. assent
راضی ہونا ۔ منظور ،‌قبول یا اجابت کرنا
    Agree, for the law is costly. (Prov.)
آپس میں نمٹ لو، نہیں تو کچہری میں زیر بار ہو گے۔
    4. be in concord
ایک من ہونا ۔ مل جل کر یا میل ملاپ سے رہنا ۔ ایک قالب ہونا ۔ ایک دل یا ایک چت ہونا ۔ مطابق ہونا ۔ اتفاق ہونا
    Two of a trade never agree. (Prov.)
ہم پیشہ حاسد ہمیشہ ۔ بود ہم پیشہ باہم پیشہ دشمن
    They agree like cats and dogs.
وہ کتے بلی کی طرح لڑتے ہیں
    The more you agree together, the less hurt can your enemies do you. (Browne)
جتنا آپس میں تم اتفاق رکھو گے اتنا ہی تمہارے دشمن تم کو کم ستائیں گے۔
    5. be beneficial as diet or medicine
راس آنا ۔ فائدہ مند ہونا ۔ مفید ہونا ۔ گن کرنا
    to agree with one's constitution or temperament
کسی کے مزاج یا طبیعت کے موافق ہونا
    6. settle a price
دام ٹھہرانا ۔ مول یا قیمت چکانا
    7. (Gram.)
ایک صیغہ یا حالت ہونا
    8. concur
انومت ہونا ۔ ماننا ۔ ہاں میں ہاں ملانا ۔ ہنکاری بھرنا ۔ ایک رائے یا مت ہونا ۔ متفق الرائے ہونا ۔ تسلیم کرنا
615    powdering-tub (Noun)
گوشت میں نمک ملانے کا برتن
616    eye-ball (Noun)
آنکھ کا ڈھیلا۔ حدقہ
617    swift (Noun)
    2. (pl.)
پریتا۔ ٹھاڑی۔ اٹیرن۔
ایک چڑیا۔
618    unskilled (adjective)
بےسلیقہ۔ ناواقف۔ بے ہنر۔ نا آزمودہ کار۔ اناڑی
619    nethermost (adjective)
سب سے نیچا۔ زیریں
620    velocipede (Noun)
پاؤں گاڑی



"Jhakr" sounds like Hindi. you might wanna try for those words.

Why do some of us Pakistanis say Allah-Hafiz now? Why don't they just use Urdu and say خدا حافظ or if they prefer Arabic use then فی رعایةالله. I think it might have been used as a way to connect people; because many muslim people of Hindustan and Bangladesh can't pronounce خ. It may be appropriate for Hindustani Muslims because their alternative would be Namaaskar, but Bangladeshis have (bhalosen). what do you think?

Asslam-o-Alaicum, Word Khuda not an Urdu word but taken in Urdu from Persian (Farsi) In Farsi Khuda means God and being a Muslim the word Khuda, God or Bhagwan can not be accepted for Allah. Allah is the name (Ism'e Zaat) and all other 99 names are Ism'e Siffat. If you should consult with Quran through an Alim'e Quran about these small things you may get the right things about Islam and will be a good Momin. Only knowing the Arabic you cannot understand the Quran and Islam you must consul Ulma'e Haq also. Its like you consult with Doctors even you know the some remedy or medicine for your illness. You consult Wakil even you knows the laws...etc etc...

Perhaps you did not go through the latest comments "Understanding Moves Feelings" written by me on May 22, 2006. After reviewing those you can come back to this topic. Thanks

NDM: Please make a note that Hafiz is also an Arabic word and has been used even in the Holy Quran many times. It is better to use Quran-word than persion or of anyother language. Thank you.

Yes, the Qur'an is written in the Arabic language however. And in Arabic you wouldn't put the words together like that (Allah-Hafiz). So if it is better to use the Quranic word then we should use فی رعایة الله یا فی امان الله. And on another note, we should also then all learn Arabic so to understand and contemplate what Allah has sent to us. What else is this world for? Know so you may obey.

NDM: Hafiz is an Urdu word as well. There are many Urdu words which have been taken from Arabic with similar meanings. Generally, Hafiz means protector or guardian in both Quranic Arabic and Urdu. ALLAH Hafiz is commonly known by all; whereas fi amaan ALLAH is understood only by a fixed group of people. It is said: Do not utter until or unless you yourself know what you are saying. I know most of people don't know the meaning of "fi" and then "amaan". Most often they use these words without understanding or if they understand the addressees usually don't understand. So, in short the words are not operative and do not move the feelings unless we understand them. A poem of Allama Iqbal can only be impressive for those who understand.

إِنْ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ لَمَّا عَلَيْهَا حَافِظٌ
There is no soul but has a protector over it.
Al-Qur'an, 086.004 (At-Tariq )

When we say "aap ka ALLAH Hafiz" – it means ALLAH (SWT) is yr protector. Or the responsibility of yr protection is given to ALLAH (SWT) – and almost every speaker as well as addressee knows and understands this.

It is our (Muslims') great misfortune that we read Quran again and again without understanding. On the other hand if we read English or Persian we know what we are speaking about. What will we tell others when we ourselves don't know about what we utter.

This is the greatest and foremost Sunnah to read Qur'an with understanding. Never Prophet (SAW) or his sahabahs recited like we do (recite) in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. This is the basic reason that our lives are not changing. The importance of understanding can be judged from the following verse:

In Surah Hashr it is said:

لَوْ أَنْزَلْنَا هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ عَلَى جَبَلٍ لَرَأَيْتَهُ خَاشِعًا مُتَصَدِّعًا مِنْ خَشْيَةِ اللَّهِ وَتِلْكَ الأمْثَالُ نَضْرِبُهَا لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We propound to men, that they may reflect.
Al-Qur'an, 059.021 (Al-Hashr)
May ALLAH (SWT)increase us in our knowledge. Ameen!

More and more Muslims are opting to saying "allah Hafiz" instead of "Khuda Hafiz" because Allah is the name of the one God that Muslims have belief in. "Khuda" simply means "god". It can be any god.
Although, I say Allah Hafiz, but I don't have a problem with Khuda Hafiz becasue a Muslim will mean Allah when he says Khuda.

Wa'laykum Asalaam,
Yes, it depends on your intention however. Since Khuda is used only by Muslims, they know only the One God. You say "it can be any god", but there is only One God (as you say); it contradicts. btw, Jewish and Christian Arabs also use Allah. Just a thought.
