Muslim Names

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21-40 of 195
195 record(s) found according to names

Majeed    مجید
Glorious, Immense, enormous, noble, exalted, an attribute of Allah Almighty, Names , Abdul Majeed, Muhammad Majeed.
Majeedah    مجیدہ
Glorious, honorable, generous, splendid.
Majha    مجہ
Name of a sahabi who partcipated in the battle of badr.
Makhdoom    مخدوم
Served, waited on.
Makki    مکّی
Related to Makkat ul Mukarramah.
Maknoonah    مکنونه
Hidden, concealed.
Maleehah    ملیحه
Salty, nut brown, of dark brown color, agreeable, sweet, charming, beautiful, graceful.
Maleekah    ملیکه
Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
Malikah    ملکه
A queen.
Mamar    معمر
Name of a sahabi who partcipated in the battle of badr.
Mamoon    میمون
Secured, Name of a caliph of Islam.
Mamoor    معمور
Inhabited, populate, full, relate, abundant, colonizeed, ample, happy, delightful, prosperous, flourishing, in good condition.
Man    معن
Accept the truth, Examine closely. Name of a sahabi who took part in the battle of badr.
Mannan    منان
A great benefactor, an attribute applied to Allah Almighty. Name , Abdul Mannan.
Mansoor    منصور
Aided, protected, defended, victorious, conqureing, triumhphant.
Mansoorah    منصورہ
Aided, protected, defended, victorious, conquering, triumphant, succored.
Manzhar    منظر
(Manzar) Asight, landscape, scene.
Manzhoor    منظور
(Manzoor) Agreed, approved, accepted.
Maqbool    مقبول
Agreed, approved, accepted.
Maqil    معقل
Name of a sahabi who took part in the battle of badr.

21-40 of 195


As-Salamu Alaykum,

May I please know the meaning of the name "Shamoon" ?

thank you.

can anyone advice is shalni a muslim name

i want to know meanings of female name " Meerab " we can say Meereb, meerub---regards

Assalaam Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu ، Dear Brothers ,Determination & Purification like mirror A relationship should have
determination & purification like a MIRROR..
Which never loses its ability to
REFLECT even if BROKEN .......Life is too ironic to understand
Life is too ironic to fully understand..
It takes sadness to knw wat happiness is,
noise to appreciate silence
absence to value presence.....When 2 egos r dropped
Relationship Is Possible,
Only When Two Egos Are Dropped.
Otherwise Four Persons Are Involved,
Two Real & Two Imaginary..

Assalaam Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu


Kindly let me know the meanings of the names ie:

1. Meerab, Merab or Mirab
2. Aliyan or Aaliyan
3. Dayan

also tell me spell if possible

for reply


i wonder whats the meaning of mushayam and it is mashayam or mushayam?

what do the names of oumehani, nageem, naguib, zulema and zumerah mean???? i need a quick ans plzzzzz>> thx in advance.............

I'm surprised that Zafir didn't make your list (victorious).
