1-20 of 171

171 record(s) found according to alphabat | (Aabid) Worshipper, (Suitable combination) Muhammad Aabid Aabid-ur-Rahmaan. |
| The first prophet of Allah, and first human being sent to the earth. |
| Upright, sincere, Just, attribute of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him). |
| Beloved wife of the prophet of Allah. Meaning,Well living woman. |
| A lady who worships Allah in solitude. |
| A woman, doing good deeds. |
| Secured ,safe woman, the mother of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) |
| Inhabited, populous, full, filled up, cultivated (of land), civilized, flourishing prosperous. |
| A woman inhabitig in a place. |
| Young lady, virgin, unmarried or chaste woman, intact, maiden, friendly. |

1-20 of 171

salaam alaikum,
i have named my dghtr sheza fatimah after finding the name sheza on the net,the word SHEZA means...a good, religious girl. but i m not sure of its pronunciation
Meaning of the Name 'Sheza'
You are right. I also found the same meaning on the Net.
Need to know the meaning of...
Assalam O alikum,
i need to know the meaning of PALWASHA
if somebody know then kindly let me know.
need meaning
I would be very grateful if
I would be very grateful if anyone could help me with the meaning of the name " ruksana".
Hoping for a early reply.
Thank You
Allah Hafiz.
Name of Meening
Dear Sir,
Please tel me a Meening Name of Tabiba.
Thanks & Regard,
Izhar Husain
Help for correct spelling
Assalamu Alaikum
Can you tell me correct spelling for the name "Abdul Ghani"? can i write "Abdulghani"?
Muhammad Abdulghani
Meaning of Eshaal
Someone asked the meaning of Eshaal, and i had posted a comment but unfortunately there was a typo error. The meaning is not protested by Allah SWT but actually it is PROTECTED by Allah SWT.
I'm sorry and hope this will now help.
To Ummah Numair...!
Asslam O Alaikum ...
Hoping that you would come across at this comment posted here. I would very much want to know the meaning of the name " Faarina " . Saw someone thanking you for the meaning , but I was unable to find it among the posts.
Hoping for a early reply.
Thank You
Allah Hafiz.
Please can u tell me the process to change my password as it is very difficult to remember the given one.
Thanks & Regards