Muslim Names

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21-40 of 195
195 record(s) found according to names

Majeed    مجید
Glorious, Immense, enormous, noble, exalted, an attribute of Allah Almighty, Names , Abdul Majeed, Muhammad Majeed.
Majeedah    مجیدہ
Glorious, honorable, generous, splendid.
Majha    مجہ
Name of a sahabi who partcipated in the battle of badr.
Makhdoom    مخدوم
Served, waited on.
Makki    مکّی
Related to Makkat ul Mukarramah.
Maknoonah    مکنونه
Hidden, concealed.
Maleehah    ملیحه
Salty, nut brown, of dark brown color, agreeable, sweet, charming, beautiful, graceful.
Maleekah    ملیکه
Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
Malikah    ملکه
A queen.
Mamar    معمر
Name of a sahabi who partcipated in the battle of badr.
Mamoon    میمون
Secured, Name of a caliph of Islam.
Mamoor    معمور
Inhabited, populate, full, relate, abundant, colonizeed, ample, happy, delightful, prosperous, flourishing, in good condition.
Man    معن
Accept the truth, Examine closely. Name of a sahabi who took part in the battle of badr.
Mannan    منان
A great benefactor, an attribute applied to Allah Almighty. Name , Abdul Mannan.
Mansoor    منصور
Aided, protected, defended, victorious, conqureing, triumhphant.
Mansoorah    منصورہ
Aided, protected, defended, victorious, conquering, triumphant, succored.
Manzhar    منظر
(Manzar) Asight, landscape, scene.
Manzhoor    منظور
(Manzoor) Agreed, approved, accepted.
Maqbool    مقبول
Agreed, approved, accepted.
Maqil    معقل
Name of a sahabi who took part in the battle of badr.

21-40 of 195


I need to know the meaning of the Arabic name


Inaaya: Gift of Allah
Alaynah: Peaceful, Serene or name of an iranian princes, in french meaning is beautiful
Sumairah: A queen's name, meaning brownish
AAKEEFA: Devoted, dedicated. A lady who worships Allah in solitude.

Aslam-o-alekum does any oone know here what is meaning of veshan ..

A companion of Prophet SAW

arhaan is a male name with Aborigine origins.

Anamezing's Meaning of the name arhaan
Meaning of the name arhaan: ruler

amman is concluded from amn, amn means peace, and ahmad means, well praised in the world

What do the names Imraz & Shayana mean?

Thank you! I need a quick response pls!! :)

Shayana mean beauty or prettiness, but imraz with this name oppose, often meaning energetic in verstility of life

does anyone know the who zareenah was and what made her a sahabiyah?? please and thank you!!

can anyone tell me how we write irsa in urdu..........please give me details.......
