Muslim Names

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106 record(s) found according to names

Haabeel    ھابیل
Name of the son of Hazrat Aadam (Adam)
Haadi    ھادی
A director, a leader, a guide.
Haadiyah    ھادیه
A director, a leader, a guide.
Haafizah    حافظہ
Having a good memory, one who knows the whole Quran by heart.
Haafizh    حافظ
(Haafiz), A guardian, a governor, preserver, protector, the preserver of all things, God, having a good memory, one who knows the whole Quran by heart.
Haajib    حاجب
Doorkeeper, chamberlain, eyebrow.
Haajirah    حاجرہ
The wife of Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him.
Haalah    ھاله
A crescent shaped ear-ring, name of the sister of Hazrat Khadija tul Kubraa (RA).
Haami    حامی
A protector, a patron, helper, supporter, defender.
Haamid    حامد
One who praises.
Haamidah    حمیدہ
One who praises.
Haani    ھانی
Pleasant, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Haarisah    حارثه
Guard, protector.
Haarith    حارث
(Haaris), Farmer, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Haarithah    حارثة
Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Haaroon    ھارون
Name of the prophet of Allah, his English equivalent is Aaron.
Haashim    ھاشم
A crusher, breaker.
Haashimi    ھاشمی
A person who belongs to an Arab tribe, Bani Hashim.
Haatib    حاطب
A person who collects wood, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr, He was the messenger of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him) to the ruler of Egypt.
Haazim    حازم
Precautious, Name of a Sahabi.

1-20 of 106


pyaar lo pyaar do

What the meaning of this name?

The meaning of Farheen is 'Jubilant', 'Exultant', or 'Joy'.


well.... FARHEEN name meaning is "Jubilant". I found meaning of this name on this website: Muslim Names

Allah Hafiz

its really nice website helping people in choosing name

plzz tell me meaningof huzaifa and rahim

i wanna know that how can we write the names EHAN & AMEL in URDU?

I want to know the meaning of the following names.
1. Eshaal
2. shanzay

kindly let me know about the meanings.




I have a baby girl but unable to decide her name plz help me in deciding a unique muslim name.What is the meaning of 'Aliya Tabassum'?
