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171 record(s) found according to alphabat | (Aabid) Worshipper, (Suitable combination) Muhammad Aabid Aabid-ur-Rahmaan. |
| The first prophet of Allah, and first human being sent to the earth. |
| Upright, sincere, Just, attribute of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him). |
| Beloved wife of the prophet of Allah. Meaning,Well living woman. |
| A lady who worships Allah in solitude. |
| A woman, doing good deeds. |
| Secured ,safe woman, the mother of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) |
| Inhabited, populous, full, filled up, cultivated (of land), civilized, flourishing prosperous. |
| A woman inhabitig in a place. |
| Young lady, virgin, unmarried or chaste woman, intact, maiden, friendly. |
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meaning of name
Hi, Areeb Sb.
Please tell me the meaning of the name "Arafat".
Importance and meaning of name Ashaz
"The Prophet once said to Ashaz who came as a deputation to the Prophet: 0 Ashaz, you have got two conducts which God and his Prophet love. He said: 0 Messenger of God, my parents be sacrificed to you, what are these? The Prophet said: patience and gravity. These two conducts God gave you. The Prophet said: The Merciful God loves the patient, the shameful, those who love freedom, those who refrain from begging even though they have large family members, and the God-fearing. He hates the hard-hearted, the beggars with earnestness and the fools."
Can any one please confirm the authenticity of this hadith ?
Khuda Hafiz
Hasan Chowdhury
need the meaning of "Humail" urgently
Could you please give me the meaning of the name "Humail"
I need it urgently.
I also want to know about the Sahabi who's name was Humail.
need he meaning of "Humail" urgently
Could you please give me the meaning of the name "Humail"
I need it urgently.
I also want to know about the Sahabi who's name was Humail.
Please tell me the meaning of 'Rehab'
Meaning of Rihab
Dear All,
Assalam alaikum
The Word "Rihab Al Tahira" is used in arabic language for "SACRED, HOLY, BLESSED, SANCTIFIED" and so is the meaning of RIHAB.
For your information my daughter's name is RIHAB, she is a final year student at Virginia Tech.
This is with respectfully clarification to Asmashz comment and not to hurt anyone's feelings.
Meaning of RIHAB
RIHAB = plural of Rahbbah,means vastness,expanse.
ummah numair
Wa alaikumm Assalam
I dont find any name "REHAB" ther is one name
Ruhab - Female - The one who brings happiness
Areeeb plzzz help me
i m Irzan and want to know the origin of my name,so plzzzzz tell me asp
Is SHANZAY a muslim name? I can't find the origin of the name. I believe it means princess. I also need to know the meaning of ZARAR. Help please !