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1261    jabber (verb neutor)
بکنا۔ بک بک کرنا۔ گل کرنا۔ بکواس کرنا۔ بڑبڑانا
1262    jabber (Noun)
بکواس۔ بک بک ۔ گل۔ جھک ۔ بڑ ۔ مہمل گفتگو
1263    jabberer (Noun)
بکواسی۔ گل کرنے والا۔ بکی۔ جھکی
1264    jacent (adjective)
لمبا پڑا ہوا۔ پسرا ہوا۔ پڑا ہوا۔ پھیلا ہوا
1265    jacinth (Noun)
جواہرات کی قسم۔ سرخی ماءل نارنجی رنگ کا قیمتی پتھر
1266    jack (Noun)
جیک لگانا۔دست بردار ہونا۔ چھوڑ دینا۔
    1. a paltry fellow
تحقیر کا کلمہ۔ گرکا۔ مردک۔ لونڈا۔ چھوکرا۔ معمولی آدمی
    2. an instrument
موزے یا جوتے اتارنے کا اوزار۔ موزہ کش
    3. (of a kitchen)
    4. a wedge
پھانا ۔ میخ
    5. for sawing wood on
لکڑی رکھ کر کاٹنے کی گھوڑی۔ اڈا۔ ٹیکن
    6. a cost of mail
زرہ بکتر۔ کمری۔ جاکٹ
    7. a pitcher
    8. a male
    9. (Mech.)
بوجھ اٹھانے کی کل۔ جیک
    10. (Ich.)
مچھلی کا بچہ
    11. (Music)
    12. (Naut.)
جھنڈا۔ نشان۔ علم
    13. (Ornith.)
کلغی دار کبوتر
    jack in the box
    jack in office
مغرور عامل
    jack of all trades
ہربابی۔ جان پانڈے۔ چودہ بدیا ندھان ۔ ہرفن مولا
    jack out of doors
نگھرا۔بےگھر۔ خانہ بدوش
    jack with a lantern
شیطانی آگ۔ چھلاوا۔ شہابہ۔ اگیا بیتال۔ راچھس اگنی
1267    jack-fruit (Noun)
کٹھل۔ پھنس
1268    jack-puddin (Noun)
مسخرا۔ تماشے کاآدمی۔ نقل مجلس۔ گل۔ گوپال پانڈے
1269    jack-sauce (Noun)
گستاخ۔ شوخ
1270    jackal (Noun)
گیدڑ۔ شغال۔ سیار۔ جمبو۔ شرگارل
Dere sir,
I want urdu to urdu Dictionary. Pls tell me the name , I am a studen of 11 class, pls reply the answer
Urdu to Urdu Dictionary
I do not know any Urdu to Urdu Dictionary on web, but I know a Dictionay as a book. It's name is "Feroz-ul-Lughaat", published by Feroz Sons in Pakistan. I do not know if it is available anywhere outside Pakistan.
i don't know abt urdu to urdu
i don't know abt urdu to urdu dictionary if u know so tell me plz
hi my name is tanveer ahmad hai.mujhy urduseek ky dictionary main exomiltie ka matlab nahi melta. ager app mere madad ker sukty ho to mujhy batao
Nice Site
i like this site very well it solve my low level english.....
thanks again web master
this is my home page
thanks again
any one can tell me the urdu proverb web site i shall appricate his or her efferts
help me....
its really a good website infact excellent.Actually sir i m the student of bcs(final year).and nowadays i m working on my final year project which is english to urdu will u plz guide me how i can develop the dictionary just like ur dictionary and will it be better to develop the dictionary in access? if yes then how i can write urdu in access?
sir kindly give me ur few minutes and guide me.
You can use any type of windo
You can use any type of windows version. Even Windows 98 or Windows 95 will help in your case. You just have to install URDU FONTS in your computer.
To Install new fonts you have to go to Control Panel and then Fonts icon,
Hope this helps
Ms Access Dictionary
hijab shafique.. it is very eassy to make dictionary in access but if you are using Win 98 then it will not to do so ... In order to enter Urdu charactrist font in Access you will be install urdu lang in operating system supporting Win 2000-,xp.. then it will be possible to make dictionary. I am also making a urdu dictionary. for further details you will contact me at my E-mail.
اللہ حافظ
urdu proverb
Salam to every one i am looking for the web site which can have proverbs from english to urdu and urdu to english. if any one know about this site please tell me i am very thankful to him.