Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search
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1231    aorta (Noun)
شاہ رگ ۔ رگ جاں ۔ اورطہ
1232    suspicion (Noun)
بدگمانی۔ شبہ۔ شک۔ وہم۔ گمان۔ ظن۔ سندیہ۔ کھٹکا۔ دبدھا۔ وسوسہ۔
1233    persuasively (adverb)
ترغیب دہی سے۔ از راہ ترغیب
1234    allowed (adjective)
    1. fixed
بندھا ہوا ۔ معمولی ۔ مقررہ
    2. remitted
چھوڑ دیا ۔ بخش دیا ۔ واگزاشت ۔ معاف ۔ عطا کیا ہوا
1235    hoarseness (Noun)
گلے یا آواز کا بیٹھنا
1236    shote (Noun)
گھنٹا۔ چھاؤنا۔ سؤر کا بچہ۔ بچہٴ خوک۔
1237    goodwife (Noun)
گھر کی مالک۔ گھر والی۔ گھرنی
1238    polyphonism, polyphony (Noun)
کئی آواز کا اجتماع۔ کثیرالاصوات
1239    clod (Noun)
    1. lump
ڈھیلا ۔ ڈلا ۔ ڈلی ۔ ڈھما ۔ ڈھیم ۔کلوخ
    2. earth
مٹی ۔ مِٹی ۔ ماٹی ۔ گِل
    3. vile or base thing
ناچیز ۔ ہیچ ۔ پوچ ۔ مٹی ۔ خاک
    4. clod-hopper
گوبر گنیش ۔ مٹی کا مادھو ۔ احمق ۔ گنوار
    see (Blockhead)
1240    dedentition (Noun)
دانتوں کا گر پڑنا
meaning of dispelling and myths
this site is okay but not perfect we need more improvement. whenever i search meaning of words always it says match not found
Halan kay or khalan kay
anybody knows what is the english of halan kay or khalan kay. means when we say "i have to do this 'halan kay' i am not feeling well. i don't want to use the word 'still'.
-حال آنکہHal AN Kay
حال آنکہ Literally The fact being this- is emphatic, like Ba Wajud Kay-It can be translated in English as "Inspite of"
Halan Kay
Use "although"
You can use here the adjectiv
You can use here the adjective "Although" for Halan kay
u can use the word "Although"
u can use the word "Although"
Halan Ke
i guess the real phrase for halan kay would be 'even though'. i have to do this even though i dont feel too good.
i think the word despite woul
i think the word despite would fit best
Word Baghlool
Hi, i need to know what this word means "BAGHLOOL" we use this word "Oh don't talk to him he is a Baghlool" or "I know he will act like that, He is a Baghlool"
kindly help me.
Thanks. Usman
bahglool kaa matlaab hay
bahlool kaa matlab hay moron (A person of subnormal intelligence)admi bara hoo par sooch pachoon kee hooo usaay baghlool kah tay hain