Comprehensive English Urdu Dictionary with Advance Search

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1231    inadequacy (Noun)
کمی۔ عدم اکتفا۔ کوتاہی۔ کسر۔ اوچھا پن
    2. defect
نقص۔ کھوٹ
1232    scimachy (Noun)
سائے سے لڑنا
1233    Cyprian (Noun)
سائپرس کا باشندہ
    2. lewd woman
1234    wriggle (verb neutor)
رینگنا۔ کلبلانا۔ تلملانا۔ تڑپنا۔ چلبلانا
1235    ornate (adjective)
آراستہ۔ مزین۔ پرتکلف۔ مرصع عبارت
1236    wood (Noun)
    1. a forest
جنگل۔ بن۔ جھاڑی
    2. (Bot.)
ہیر۔ گابھا
    3. timber
لکڑی۔ کاٹ۔ چوب۔ ہیزم
ایندھن۔ لکڑی۔ جلاون۔ سوختہ۔ پورا
لکڑی کا بت۔ کاٹھ کی مورت
1237    omnipercipience, omnipercipiency (Noun)
ادراک کلی۔ پوری سمجھ۔ فہم کامل۔ ادراک کل۔ فہم کل
1238    diurnal (adjective)
دن کا۔ روز کا۔ یومی۔ یومیہ۔ روزانہ
1239    trispermous (adjective)
تبیجا۔ سہ تخمہ
1240    concertina (Noun)
ایک قسم کا باجا



meaning of dispelling and myths
this site is okay but not perfect we need more improvement. whenever i search meaning of words always it says match not found

anybody knows what is the english of halan kay or khalan kay. means when we say "i have to do this 'halan kay' i am not feeling well. i don't want to use the word 'still'.

حال آنکہ Literally The fact being this- is emphatic, like Ba Wajud Kay-It can be translated in English as "Inspite of"

Use "although"

You can use here the adjective "Although" for Halan kay

u can use the word "Although"

i guess the real phrase for halan kay would be 'even though'. i have to do this even though i dont feel too good.

i think the word despite would fit best

Hi, i need to know what this word means "BAGHLOOL" we use this word "Oh don't talk to him he is a Baghlool" or "I know he will act like that, He is a Baghlool"
kindly help me.
Thanks. Usman

bahlool kaa matlab hay moron (A person of subnormal intelligence)admi bara hoo par sooch pachoon kee hooo usaay baghlool kah tay hain
