1-20 of 171

171 record(s) found according to alphabat | (Aabid) Worshipper, (Suitable combination) Muhammad Aabid Aabid-ur-Rahmaan. |
| The first prophet of Allah, and first human being sent to the earth. |
| Upright, sincere, Just, attribute of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him). |
| Beloved wife of the prophet of Allah. Meaning,Well living woman. |
| A lady who worships Allah in solitude. |
| A woman, doing good deeds. |
| Secured ,safe woman, the mother of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) |
| Inhabited, populous, full, filled up, cultivated (of land), civilized, flourishing prosperous. |
| A woman inhabitig in a place. |
| Young lady, virgin, unmarried or chaste woman, intact, maiden, friendly. |

1-20 of 171

Names of Meanings
Salam alaikum,
i want to know the meaning of some boy names & sujjest me some good names for my son,
1. Arzaan
2. Shayyan
3. Arsaalan
4. Hamdan
5. Arhaan
6. Salman
Kindly please send us the meanings of names above
syed shakir
meanings of arzaan
arzaan means CHEAP in persian
hamdaan is a city in iran
plz tell the meaning of my name send mail to rockingshan786@gmail.com
Meaning of Sumaya
Can someone tell me the meaning of Sumaya plsssss.U can e-mail me @ sumaya-77@hotmail.com
The origin of the name Sumaya is Arabic ,beautiful flower ,Meek, soft, calm,Pure. Koranic Surah, and the title of Muhammadpbuh ,
Long of age.
meaning of sadab
hi this is mohd sazid i want to know the meaning of "sadab".
can anyone tell me i will be thankfull.
What is the meaning of Zoyan?
Could any one please tell me the meaning of "Zoyan" and is that a girl name or boy name?
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Meaning of Alina
What is teh meaning of Alina or Aleena. Is it a muslim name. Does any one know its complete analysis?