out خارج کرنا۔ اٹھا دینا۔ بے دخل کرنا۔ نکال دینا۔ باہر کرنا

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971    out (verb active)
خارج کرنا۔ اٹھا دینا۔ بے دخل کرنا۔ نکال دینا۔ باہر کرنا
972    out (adverb)
    1. without
باہر۔ بیروں۔ دور
    2. abroad
گھر سے دور۔ باہر
    The master of the house is out.
مالک مکان باہر گیا ہے
    3. discovered
ظاہر۔ افشا۔ فاش۔ عیاں۔ کھلا۔ روشن۔ واضح۔ شائع
    The secret is out.
بھید ظاہر ہوگیا
    4. not in concealment
بے پردے
    5. extinction
ہو چکنا۔ اختتام۔ نبڑنا
    6. not in office
بر طرف۔ بیکار۔ معزول۔ اترا
    7. (in public)
نکلنا۔ اٹھنا
    He was not out-to-day.
آج وہ نہیں نکلا
    8. to the end
آخر تک۔ سارے۔ تمام
    to sleep out the whole morning
صبح تک سونا
    9. without restraint
بے روک۔ بلا مزاحمت
    laugh out
ہنس پڑنا
    10. in error
بھول میں۔ چوک میں
    11. at a loss
حیران۔ متحیر
    I have forgot my part, and I am out. (Shakespeare)
    12. uncovered
ننگا۔ برہنہ۔ اگھڑا ہوا۔ کھلا ہوا
    13. away
دور۔ پرے۔ فاصلے پر
    Out with the dogs. (Shakespeare)
کتوں سے دور
    14. (gaming)
مرا ہوا۔ خارج
    out and out
بالکل۔ پورا۔ سراسر۔ سر تا سر۔ پورا پورا۔ انتہائی۔ بے حد
    out of, 1. from
میں سے۔ سے
    Plants grow out of the earth.
پودے زمین میں سے اگتے ہیں
    He paid me out of his own funds.
اس نے مجھے اپنے پاس سے دیا
    2. motive
نیت،‌غرض یا باعث سے
    A thing is done out of envy.
یہ چیز حسد کی نیت سے کی گئی ہے
    3. away from
سے دور۔ سے پرے۔ سے فاصلے پر
    out of the house
گھر سے پرے
    out of the way
راستے سے الگ
    4. deviation
خلاف۔ متجاوز۔ منحرف
    out of rule
قاعدے کے خلاف
    5. beyond
پرے۔ زیادہ۔ بہت
    They were astonished out of measure.
ان کو بہت ہی تعجب ہوا
    15. (cricket)
    out of frame
چوکھٹے یا قاعدے سے باہر
    out of hand
فوراً۔ جلدی۔ فی الفور
    Gather we our forces out of hand. (Shakespeare)
ہم اپنی فوجیں جلدی جمع کریں
    out of one's time
سن بلوغ کو پہنچ گیا
    out of order
نا درست۔ بے ترتیب
    out of print
ناپید۔ کم یاب۔ کم ملتی ہے
    out of season
بے فصل۔ بے موسم۔ بے موقع
    He is witty out of season.
وہ بے موقع مذاق کرتا ہے
    The seed was sown out of season.
بیج بے موسم بویا گیا تھا
    out of sorts
بیمار۔ ناساز۔ علیل
    out of temper
بدمزہ۔ خفا۔ ناراض
    out of tune
بے سر
    out to out
باہر سے باہر تک
    out upon you
دور ہو۔ دفان ہو۔ چل چخے
973    out (Noun)
    1. an open space
کھلا ہوا میدان
    2. (Print.)
    to make an out
974    outact (Noun)
بت یا حد سے زیادہ کرنا
975    outbalance (verb neutor)
وزن یا تاثیر میں زیادہ ہونا۔ ہمت میں بڑھ جانا
976    outbar (verb active)
روک دینا۔ آڑ لگانا
977    outbid (verb active)
دوسرے سے بڑھ کر قیمت لگانا۔ بڑھتی بولی بولنا۔ بادھا بولنا
978    outblown ()
پھولا ہوا۔ ابھرا ہوا۔ ہوا سے بھرا ہوا
979    outbound (adjective)
غیر ملک کو جانے والا
980    outbrave (verb active)
دھمکانا۔ دت دبک کرنا۔ ڈپٹنا۔ دبانا۔ زیر کرنا

Content search results

  1. Eye opening talk with a US person about Muslim Terrorists.

    ... cause...... Ad : every time they kill someone they go out to the streets to party Tanvir: When some one back is up to the ... who will allow that... if they ask for help from UN.... and out of this world.. UN do allow some... what they get in return... a ...

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    ... on the jobs that are accessible, though there are some out there. The United States Census recently published its annual report on ... Caucasian and African-American households, NBC News points out. The gender gap was unchanged, as women generally earned 77 percent of ...

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  3. CAPTURE OF CYPRUS: 1571-73 A.D.

    ... the West. Venice, Spain and the Papacy, were slow in fitting out their fleets, and the Ottoman fleet ferried unhindered a large army from ... treaty of alliance the Christian states were to fit out every year 200 galleys carrying 50,000 troops. When the Christian allies ...

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    ... Smyth was, however, determined to see his orders carried out. The parade was held and catridges were served. They were refused by all ... be court-martialled. All of them were found guilty by 14 out of 15 members of the court and were sentenced to imprisonment of ten years ...

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    ... themselves laughing. This is what made Mr. Rehman kick Imran out of the house as it was not good for his reputation. Though on some ... Imran is secretly laying a trap around them. They only find out about Imran's true deviousness when they are caught suddenly and without ...

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  6. CONQUEST OF SYRIA: 630-638 A.D.

    ... The Prophet called a few thousand volunteers and sent them out under the command of his adopted son Zyed ibn Haritha in 630. Byzantinians ... three contigents having 3000 Mujahideen each and sent them out to Syria under the commands of Amr ibn al-As, Yezid ibn Abu Sufiyan and ...

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    ... 28 August, an order was issued that the sepoys were to move out into tents on the plain and precautions were also taken by their officers ... ended at Jumrood. The losses of the sepoys were heavy; 660 out of a total of 871 were either "killed in the pursuit or subsequently ...

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  8. what is true love?

    ... were in a realationship for over 1 year and then you find out the the girl you love cheated on you. What would you do if you found out she is chatting to other boys and talking to them on the phone? After ...

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  9. Names

    Assalamo Alaykum All :-) I need to find out the meanings of following names: Zunaira, Maahim/Maahum and Misra. Would be greatful if someone can help me out. Wassalam. Razz's blog ...

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    ... Amr ibn al-As, having 4000 horsemen set out to conquer Egypt. Egypt was under the rule of Byzantine Emperor Heraculas. ... gathered at the fortress of Babylon. .Amr lured them out and defeated them there also Patriach Cyurs, who was ...

    hasanshafiq89 - 2005-06-20 07:15 - 0 comments
